To retain or not to retain that is the question.


Moring everyone.
My kombi is going in for some conversion work next week. This will involve removal of the kombi mat seats etc.
I've been trying to decide whether or not to retain all the lashing point holes in the new floor or cover them..
Ate there any general consensus of opinions out there. Personally im not sure ill need them or not other than maybe the convenience of fitting removable van pod type units to.
…whether ‘tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of unleashed cargo! (I’ll get my coat!)

Many remove (and sell) them, but you make a valid point re van pods etc. I think it is better to have them and not need them. If you’re not introducing a rail system, I think that neatly installed lashing points don’t detract from the floor. My Cali has both rails and lashing points.
…whether ‘tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of unleashed cargo! (I’ll get my coat!)

Many remove (and sell) them, but you make a valid point re van pods, etc. I think it is better to have them and not need them. If you’re not introducing a rail system, I think that neatly installed lashing points don’t detract from the floor. My Cali has both rails and lashing points.
To be fair, i am fitting the van out with more utility in mind and quality over quantity with what im fitting it with. Im retaining as much floor space as possible. it seems logical to me to retain in Case i want to transport other larger items.
You could always mark out and pre drill the bolt hole positions in your sub floor ply, then cover with the Lino or whatever you use, if you decide you need them later, just lift Lino (if not glued down) and use hole saw to fit plastic cups and lashing rings,
That’s what I did and I’m going to re fit the two by the front seats, as we can fit two road bikes inside the van as we have a u shape layout
You could always mark out and pre drill the bolt hole positions in your sub floor ply, then cover with the Lino or whatever you use, if you decide you need them later, just lift Lino (if not glued down) and use hole saw to fit plastic cups and lashing rings,
That’s what I did and I’m going to re fit the two by the front seats, as we can fit two road bikes inside the van as we have a u shape layout
Good idea.. im liking that as much as the one about fitting a side locker with cushions that finishes at the same height as my rib bed. Game changing idea that was.
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I just remembered that I did use the 4 rear points to anchor our u shape furniture, I used the bolts with some beefy L brackets, I wasn’t convinced 15 mm wood screws into the 15 mm ply floor alone would hold everything in place if the worst happened, although the units do hug the wheel arches to help stop forward movement in a accident
I have purchased a vangear blanket box to run alonside my rib bed. This is designed to utilise 2 of the lashing points. As a bonus it requires no other fixing points because of this, and can easily be removed.