Plastic underbody splash guards - part-numbers?


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Does anyone know of a diagram and supplier for the plastic splash panels under a T6. A couple of mine have broken and I'd like to replace them
Your VW dealer will be able to help - mine had the relevant info.
There are diagrams here in one of the undertray threads.

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Had a complimentary Vehicle Check (AKA let's see what we can fleece the customer out of) at VW York today. Couple of things flagged up which Im unsure of. Was told that Undertrays were broken on both sides (approx £340 to replace both) and rear EGR pipe leaking...Anyone had issues with the under trays? For a relatively new van with no off road excursions Im a bit puzzled. Also- what's an EGR pipe?
Thanks for any info...Cheers
Hit some deeper puddles recently? That normally smashes the under trays.

Small rearpipe for the egr.,there is a new modified version available, crap to fit as not much access
My undertray was also flagged up as it had a bit missing. I’ve not changed it. Regards the Egr pipe mine also was leaking I could smell exhaust smells in the cab when it regenes. The new part is shaped differently to the old one which apparently helps prevent the pipe from splitting.
It appears I have lost piece number 1.

any idea of the cost of a replacement and if it's a self fit jobby. I removed what was left of the last one, from what I can tell it's a few screws ?
Resurrecting this rather than start a new one - I seem to have lost the panel(s) under the AdBlue and diesel tank - would these be 55/56/57 as per Loz's most excellent parts diagram, please? 2017 / 204 / T32
