Using rear compartment heater to create clothes drying box


New Member
Maybe this is a totally crazy idea, but as the van I have has a rear compartment heater, I was thinking about building a box around it to use the warm air to dry clothes (e.g. wetsuits). Obviously a suitable exhaust would need to be found, and no doubt plenty of other things to think about, but before I pursue this, has anybody heard of this being done before? Is it half sensible? What other uses have people come up with to utilise the heater?
I travel for long periods without using campsites.
If it’s raining I dry laundry on the dashboard with the screen air flow, it’s faster than my tumble drier at home.
Obviously you need to ventilate the van, I use the side windows with wind deflectors.
Maybe this is a totally crazy idea, but as the van I have has a rear compartment heater, I was thinking about building a box around it to use the warm air to dry clothes (e.g. wetsuits). Obviously a suitable exhaust would need to be found, and no doubt plenty of other things to think about, but before I pursue this, has anybody heard of this being done before? Is it half sensible? What other uses have people come up with to utilise the heater?
On a similar note I made a boot/ski boot dryer that clips onto the secondary outlet of the Webasto. Works a treat.