Hopefully someone can assist. Im looking at the Van Furniture U Shape system and with mainly staying off grid im not going the conventional EHU route.
Instead, opting for a Clayton Power LPS II 3000 system (more than likely) BUT my worry is will it fit in the cupboard below the sink. Height and Depth isnt an issue but I fear Length could be.
Could someone who owns said company layout please measure the clearance from front of cupboard to rear of cupboard?
The LPS 3000 is 409mm long
Example of cupboard....

Hopefully someone can assist. Im looking at the Van Furniture U Shape system and with mainly staying off grid im not going the conventional EHU route.
Instead, opting for a Clayton Power LPS II 3000 system (more than likely) BUT my worry is will it fit in the cupboard below the sink. Height and Depth isnt an issue but I fear Length could be.
Could someone who owns said company layout please measure the clearance from front of cupboard to rear of cupboard?
The LPS 3000 is 409mm long
Example of cupboard....