VW Assistance in France?


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Guys do they have silver van recovery in France does anyone know??
Phoned them, they said because it’s just an eml light and the vehicle is driving ok then they wouldn’t attend

What a joke
Never go anywhere without an obd reader :thumbsup: .
It'll go into limp if its a problem...then you can ring the clowns back .
Stay off the motorways cuz your breakdown doesnt cover those .
Really what do you mean my breakdown doesn’t cover motorways?

That’s ridiculous I’ve never heard of that before

Maybe you should have told them it wouldn't start!
I know but… they said if they sent someone it would be somebody from a garage local? Wtf is that all about some joker from a backstreet garage who doesn’t know toffee about toffee
AA European Assist is based in Lyon. You can call the AA in the UK and they will hot transfer you to Lyon. May be beneficial to do it this way as the UK people should find your entitlements quicker.....
AA European Assist is based in Lyon. You can call the AA in the UK and they will hot transfer you to Lyon. May be beneficial to do it this way as the UK people should find your entitlements quicker.....

I did speak to someone and as you say yes they was in Lyon

So my VW assist covers me for breakdown in France?

Need to check I still have this then
Full handbook linked to in post 5

And as discussed it does cover you, but not on the private motorways where you are compelled to use (and pay for) their services.