VW T6 2016 With Stop/Start Battery Replacement


New Member
Are there any issues with battery replacement e.g. codes etc?
Is it simply a question of disconnecting the - and + leads, swapping battery and reconnecting leads?

You may need to get it recode (if different capacity) - although think it might work it out it self after a number or recycles.

Also the one shot windows need to be reset on the window switch which is really easy but again can’t remember but will be somewhere on this forum.

Sorry bit vague - but had mine change and no big issues s d don’t have much technical knowledge (which is apparent).
Are there any issues with battery replacement e.g. codes etc?
Is it simply a question of disconnecting the - and + leads, swapping battery and reconnecting leads?
Yep, you can do that but it will take some time for the vehicle to recognise the new battery and charge it efficiently. The best way is to get it coded by changing a single digit of the battery code. If you are changing capacity and/or battery type (e.g. EFB to AGM) then I’d suggest coding it to set the new values. Coding can be done with Carista if you have one or can borrow one. They are about £25 on Amazon.

The one-shot windows are reset by holding the switch up for about 5-10 secs.
Thanks for this very useful info. Currently has AGM battery. Not heard of EFB batteries before but see them now when searching for replacement. Which type is better ?

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