Water Tank Lock seized

T6 Deeks

Hey all, so I've managed to allow my water tank lock to seize through lack of use. I've managed to free it slightly so the key goes in about 5mm or so but it just won't go any further and therefore can't open the tank to flush and fill. There's three screws holding the surround plate in place, is it really just as easy as unscrew and replace? Any suggestions of help would be greatfully appreciated!!
You’ll need a good penetrating oil, this stuff isn’t cheap but it’s very good and you don’t need much.

Cheapest on my ebay search, apply inside the key slot and give it time to soak over night.
You may need to flush the water tank afterwards.
You’ll need a good penetrating oil, this stuff isn’t cheap but it’s very good and you don’t need much.

Cheapest on my ebay search, apply inside the key slot and give it time to soak over night.
You may need to flush the water tank afterwards.
Perfect, Thank you. The plan was to flush and sterilise the tank again before use anyway. Can ordered :)
Ok so given up. After weeks of trying almost everything, I can't get the key in any further than half way. So plan B should be here tomorrow...a new water tank inlet unit. Spent more on graphite, penetrating oils than the new inlet ha ha
Keep the new lock lubricated and you shouldn’t have a problem. Be aware that the chemicals sold for sterilising tanks are corrosive and will also cause a seized lock.
Yeah will definitely do that now. Bought the van and hadn't used the tank so hadn't been in it all year. Schoolboy error! Lesson learned :thumbsup:
You can get food grade silicone spray but you may have spent enough on lube for now. A little bit of WD40 keeps you regular.