What extras do I need to fit Kenwood 516? [Resolved]


Senior Member
T6 Guru
I have a Kenwood DNX516DABS coming from a member on here. I need to source some cables but I cannot seem to find exact part numbers for kenwood to vw t6.
It comes with the standard Kenwood wiring so what do I need to get it to plug into the van? I have a 3 button basic dab stereo at the moment. Will I need a certain adaptor to plug it in?

I will need to plug the mfsw, aerial and dab into it too but that is not as important as getting it working to start with.
Can anyone send me a link/s to what I need please as this stereo stuff is beyond my brain cell knowledge. I can fit it no problem but knowing what to but has me stumped as I am assuming it is not a universal thing.