What Have You Bought Today?


Second attempt at purchasing the All-in Plan and it has been cancelled again :rolleyes:

After the first attempt I tried calling the number on the email three times and spoke to three different nationalities - none of who could give me any help at all.

So now I have two invalid agreement numbers and no fricking plan.


I will have to phone my dealer service department tomorrow but I’m sure they’ll be no help either
A Dream Machine Pro (not one bit van related) :sneaky:


A upgraded headlight/spotlight wiring harness and 100/90W headlight bulbs for my Mk2 Golf that never goes out in the dark.

This not being able to go out and do anything cos it's too b*****d icy is expensive. At least I've resisted buying anything for the van. Despite me having made up my mind to sell it in the new year, I can't help myself from keeping looking for things for it.
Being new to the transporter world I’ve taken a few weeks just driving it before making any purchases, but today I’ve popped a little order in with THQ.

v3 DRL headlights
T6.1 style rear lights
LED barn door number plate lights
LED interior lights
Badgeless grille
Rusty Lee swivel base

That should keep me busy over the upcoming Xmas time off :)