What TV adverts really annoy you ?

Sell your car the Motorway way (obviously accompanied by the diverse smattering of alledged car dealers battling to buy a car! )

Any advert for new cars which state in the small print that the cars featured are not UK specification! (Why show the car then?)

People insanely grinning on any furniture and bed adverts, especially the assisted living ones where it takes around 15 minutes for the chair to tilt enough to let you get off it.

What the f@#k is Gravalax?
Woke culture is now prevalent in a lot of TV ads showing families. Invariably the parents are from different ethnic backgrounds.
The one that is galling is the middle aged white bloke and younger female of colour which some cruise company try to portray as a loving couple celebrating an anniversary. No chemistry between them and she looks uncomfortable at his over acting !!

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Old enough to be her Dad
Woke culture is now prevalent in a lot of TV ads showing families. Invariably the parents are from different ethnic backgrounds.
The one that is galling is the middle aged white bloke and younger female of colour which some cruise company try to portray as a loving couple celebrating an anniversary. No chemistry between them and she looks uncomfortable at his over acting !!

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At the risk of being called-out as a misogynist, a transphobe, a fat-shamer, a racist and/or a xenophobe, it's a rarity to see any white male heterosexuals in any advert nowadays. If under-representation of a demographic is wrong then logic dictates that under-representation of the majority is also wrong - but, hey, I'm just an old fart with white privilege and this is a world where logic, facts and the truth hold no currency.
At the risk of being called-out as a misogynist, a transphobe, a fat-shamer, a racist and/or a xenophobe, it's a rarity to see any white male heterosexuals in any advert nowadays. If under-representation of a demographic is wrong then logic dictates that under-representation of the majority is also wrong - but, hey, I'm just an old fart with white privilege and this is a world where logic, facts and the truth hold no currency.
Is it what they call positive discrimination? Whoever they are.
At the risk of being called-out as a misogynist, a transphobe, a fat-shamer, a racist and/or a xenophobe, it's a rarity to see any white male heterosexuals in any advert nowadays. If under-representation of a demographic is wrong then logic dictates that under-representation of the majority is also wrong - but, hey, I'm just an old fart with white privilege and this is a world where logic, facts and the truth hold no currency.
As a practicing Jewish lesbian I’m deeply offended that you omitted me from your list.
All of them, is the simple answer.
We used to have an awesome ad industry until everyone decided to be pre-disposed to getting upset, and then the wokes stepped in.
I just mute the telly now.

Gravadlax is Scandinavian dry cured salmon. Was nice till that annoying t**t did that advert.
Ho hum.

There was an ad in the early 90's for a cereal bar, with squirrels gathering around the bloke eating one.
The original catchphrase was 'watch out for the squirrels, they're after your nuts'. Then Mary Whitehouse complained so it was shortened. Been going downhill ever since.