Whining Noise - Brand new stock 6.1


New Member
Hi all,

And thanks in anticipation of any advice.

I took delivery of a brand new stock 6.1 H/Line T28 SWB yesterday. First time I drove it, I noticed what I would describe as a whining noise coming from the front underside ( could be wheels or tyres or engine bay). It's quite noticeable across the rev, gear and speed range although not when stationary, and I certainly didn't hear this on my test drive model at the dealers.

It has been supplied with Hankook tyres which is not what I had hoped but I assume these are not the cause since otherwise I figure there would be more complaints???

Anyone who can offer assistance, or point me towards a previous thread on here I have otherwise failed to find would win a prize*

*Not really, but I would be very grateful to you :)

Hi all,

And thanks in anticipation of any advice.

I took delivery of a brand new stock 6.1 H/Line T28 SWB yesterday. First time I drove it, I noticed what I would describe as a whining noise coming from the front underside ( could be wheels or tyres or engine bay). It's quite noticeable across the rev, gear and speed range although not when stationary, and I certainly didn't hear this on my test drive model at the dealers.

It has been supplied with Hankook tyres which is not what I had hoped but I assume these are not the cause since otherwise I figure there would be more complaints???

Anyone who can offer assistance, or point me towards a previous thread on here I have otherwise failed to find would win a prize*

*Not really, but I would be very grateful to you :)

Have Hankooks RA28s ..definitely no whine noise.