White haze following paint job


Senior Member
T6 Guru
Hi guys,
Ivy van was damaged by a garage when they reversed it onto a ramp smashing off my wing mirror and damaging my whole side…..

Had the work done but I can see what looks like a white haze?? Anyone able to give me an idea of what it is

You will see it below, only at certain angles



I recently had a few dings and stone chips filled, and the garage said hazing could occur - and that I should take it back for more polishing if that was the case.

By ‘work done’ I presume you mean you had a bit of spray work?
I recently had a few dings and stone chips filled, and the garage said hazing could occur - and that I should take it back for more polishing if that was the case.

By ‘work done’ I presume you mean you had a bit of spray work?
Yes sorry had the bottom half sprayed, it’s been back for a polish?!
Looks like “blooming” to me, where moisture /cold has got into the laquer. Although hard to tell from those photos