Actually i dont have time to sort the entire document but
KL15 Terminal 15 - Output terminal of ignition switch or ignition/glow enable
KL15a Terminal 15a - Ignition, protected
KL30 Terminal 30 - Terminal directly from battery
KL30a Terminal 30a - Battery positive, protected
MOST MOST bus (fibre optic cable)
N Neutral wire N
PE Protective earth
PILOT Pilot line
SIG Signal
SIG- Negative signal
SIG+ Positive signal
SIG+C Positive signal, cosine
SIG+S Positive signal, sine
SIG15 Signal terminal 15 (status signal)
SIG50 Signal terminal 50 (status signal)
SIG54 Signal terminal 54 (status signal)
SIG-C Negative signal, cosine
SIG-H Signal, high
SIG-L Signal, low
SIG-n Rotational speed signal
SIG-Rx Receiver wire
SIG-S Positive signal, sine
SIG-Tx Transceiver wire (transmitter/receiver)
SIG-v Speed signal