Write off dilemma

anorak bo

New Member
VIP Member
I’m faced with my beloved 67 (2018) plate LWB T6 being a possible write off.
Without delving into the complex how and why, the rear back post/wheel arch got hit by a boy racer, BUT I’m having to pay.

It needs a new drivers side panel, right back door, etc etc.

Insurance Company’s ‘consulting engineers’ say potential value could be £21,500 as opposed to £16,500 because of low mileage.
Therefore threshold for repairs is higher.

Accident repair company have quoted 13K , and are saying , its 50/50 if it can be saved from being a write off.
(Will hear from them today)

I do feel the nature of the beast is they always max out their budget accordingly :)))

What are my options ?

Slightly gutted van immaculate inside etc :-{
Keep the van and get it repaired.

Get your own quote from a VW approve repair centre.

I've had similar in the past...

This garage in St Albans was great... VW spec repair is still perfect, years later.


Let them write it off; take their pay-out**; buy the van back off them; have it repaired at a well-regarded indie.

**Always haggle hard for the max pay-out - never accept the insurer's first offer and rarely accept their second offer. ;)

Good luck!
Accident repair company have quoted 13K , and are saying , its 50/50 if it can be saved from being a write off.
(Will hear from them today)
Did you try a few or were you compelled to use a specific one?

Prices and quality vary wildly. Not helped by insurers trying to tell people they must use specific garages… who just happen to inflate prices knowing they get paid no questions asked. They’re creating even more of a monopoly where the customers loose out whatever happens.
all the others will comment on the repairs I am sure, however this is what I want to know:

Without delving into the complex how and why, the rear back post/wheel arch got hit by a boy racer, BUT I’m having to pay.

If you are innocent then why are you paying? That doesnt sit right with me and I would be fighting it however of course without knowing its impossible to understand but doesnt seem right in almost all circumstances my brain can quickly think off.
Is it driveable and not liable to cause danger to other road users ? Can you post some images ?
all the others will comment on the repairs I am sure, however this is what I want to know:

Without delving into the complex how and why, the rear back post/wheel arch got hit by a boy racer, BUT I’m having to pay.

If you are innocent then why are you paying? That doesnt sit right with me and I would be fighting it however of course without knowing its impossible to understand but doesnt seem right in almost all circumstances my brain can quickly think off.
all the others will comment on the repairs I am sure, however this is what I want to know:

Without delving into the complex how and why, the rear back post/wheel arch got hit by a boy racer, BUT I’m having to pay.

If you are innocent then why are you paying? That doesnt sit right with me and I would be fighting it however of course without knowing its impossible to understand but doesnt seem right in almost all circumstances my brain can quickly think off.
Complex accident on road that merges into one lane, and its deemed 50/50 .
Even though the other party was new driver and was speeding. The discrepancy ,which cant be proved they are saying is if 'I pulled out' or not. Even though he was speeding (which we cant prove) he would have the right of way - speed doesn't come into it.
Moving on.......
Thanks for all your comments....
They are seeing if welding a quarter panel will save against a full panel , they've pulled out any kinks or any structural issues.
But now 3k over the threshold doesn't look good

I've seen a lot worse
Decent bodyshop would be able to sort that out. Just my initial reaction
@anorak bo, contrary to what had been suggested earlier, Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regs mean that your insurer cannot dictate to you who repairs your van (though If your chosen repairer is more expensive than the insurer's preferred repairer, then they might only payout the lower of the 2 amounts).
@anorak bo, contrary to what had been suggested earlier, Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regs mean that your insurer cannot dictate to you who repairs your van (though If your chosen repairer is more expensive than the insurer's preferred repairer, then they might only payout the lower of the 2 amounts).
Nobody is saying they can dictate who you use are they?, but that doesn’t stop them trying to ‘persuade’ you from using their preferred repairer. For example, my policy states, under the ‘Are there any restrictions on cover’ section of the IPID… “An additional excess of £250 applies if you use a non-approved repairer”.
That’s the first reference to this that I can find easily in my policy (took me two seconds but had to look as I was curious) but I know there are more little bits like this when buying motor insurance.

Remember, this is the murky industry that says ‘you must tell us if someone hits your vehicle, even if there is no damage’… if you do exactly this they then tell you you have made a claim. How can you claim off them for zero pounds due to there being zero damage?
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That will all depend on how bad it is behind the outer skin. The arse end on these are strong as and most jigs would struggle if its bad. If it's taken the inner it would require an inner as the amount of pulling would not make it a pretty job. As for the 1/4 panel I wouldn't want part 1/4 welding in as they never look right and more chance of tin worm. If your a fussy person I would just let them write it off as you will never be happy.
Nobody is saying they can dictate who you use are they?, but that doesn’t stop them trying to ‘persuade’ you from using their preferred repairer.
You used the word "compel". They can't compel.
You used the word "compel". They can't compel.
I used the sentence “Did you try a few or were you compelled to use a specific one?”.

One can feel compelled to do something regardless of external interference.

Sure in my view, as clearly expressed in my second post, insurance companies try to coerce/hoodwink you into using their preferred repairer but even then one could feel compelled to say “no thanks”.

I would again suggest insurance regulation isn’t working in favour of the customer and needs to be stronger. They shouldn’t try and conceal things or coerce people, they should be clearer in their definitions and they should stop wasting millions knowing we have to pay regardless.
I used the sentence “Did you try a few or were you compelled to use a specific one?”.

One can feel compelled to do something regardless of external interference.
Exactly - you said 'were you compelled...', not 'did you feel compelled...'. What you intended to say is open to speculation, but you can hardly complain when someone responds to the actual words you posted.
Well the insurance companies hold all the cards. They told 1 customer that if he wanted to bring his car to us he would have to pay an extra 250 even though we are part of there contracted repairers. Obviously no one is wanting to fork out extra so they'll bully you to go with who they want. They are just legal conman who shaft everyone.