
  1. slocumjoseph

    Unposting / Delete a post..?

    Can somebody tell me how to delete a post (mine). I've sent he same post twice. :whistle:
  2. Dellmassive

    T6Forum Sticker Packs - New colours

    T6Forum Sticker Packs - New colours what colour sticker packs you you like to see? you can add a new colour and choose you to 3x choices. main sticker thread here: https://www.t6forum.com/threads/t6forum-sticker-packs.13966/ .
  3. MikeT6

    Credit where it’s due!

    Having joined this forum approximately 4 months ago I have to say that the knowledge / information and just general helpfulness on here is something I’ve never come across before in other groups to anywhere near the same level...... This really stood out to me when a few weeks back I was...
  4. Tourershine

    T6 Forum VIP

    So, not a business in the usual sense, but still a valid review for a very valuable service. The VIP Membership feature of this forum is worth the £12.99 for the lack of pure morons in the sales section alone, but obviously you get many other benefits for your £12.99. Ok, so my latest...
  5. BoroBoy

    Found T6 F Keyring

    Who is selling these? I have PM'd various people without any replies. Are they not available anymore, or should I go on flea bay?
  6. Markgf

    T6 Guru/Pro/Legend

    Question.. what’s the difference between the T6 Pro, Guru, Legend banners, and how do you get them, and how do you get promoted?? It’s been bugging me for ages, and nobody seems to mention it.
  7. Pete C

    And we are back - normal service has been resumed

    Thanks Pauly. Pete
  8. Tourershine


    2 years and 2 months as a member of T6F I've gained loads of interesting information and learnt lots of lessons good and bad. I've made some life long mates, and had some pretty amazing 'favours' done for me, along with returning them favours happily. Despite the same questions being asked day...
  9. Pauly

    Announcement T6 Forum Shop Closure

    The T6 forum shop has now been closed Unfortunately i do not have the time to operate the shop anymore so we have been forced to close it I will still be making custom bits for people and doing wiring looms etc but no longer supplying VW parts in general, i will review this in time and may...
  10. 308mate

    Joining as a VIP member without a PayPal account

    I already have one but I don’t want to use it. How can I just pay with my card and ignore the whole PP situation?
  11. Dellmassive

    For Sale T6Forum Sticker Packs

    Right you lucky people . . . . . The Boss has let me release these Special-Edition-sticker-sets to you all. Edit: 2023 ++++++++++++++++ Colour set or Pick & Mix – Any 5 stickers or 1* packs for £15 Colour set or Pick & Mix – Any 10 stickers or 2* packs for £25 we have "T6" round +...
  12. Andyman

    Where Did That Year Go!!

    just had a notification that PayPal has paid another year subs to this forum, can hardly believe I’ve had my girl for over a year now! And I love her as much now as I did then Thanks to all in the last 12months who have given help and advice
  13. chriscroft

    Forum Shop

    Well done Pauly, I have been looking for these GENERATION SIX B-pillar badges every :thumbsup::thumbsup:
  14. J

    VIP Member query

    Hi, Went to pay and found that, despite opting for the card payment option I had to create an paypal account. Is there a way around this! Thanks Jezzer
  15. F

    Facebook T6 Group.. Post Approval?

    Hi all Just wondering if everyone thats a member of the Facebook t6 group needs to have their post approved, or am I special? Seems rather pointless as any reply to an existing question doesn't need an Approval.
  16. Fish

    Sold T6F Colour Stickers

    For Sale here; For Sale - T6F Stickers Team Grey. Team Red. Team Yellow. Team Blackberry. Team Blue. Team White. Team Black. For Sale - T6F Stickers
  17. 20180922_092125


  18. andythom188

    Show Your T6 Forum Sticker With Pride

    Lets get some pics up of us showing off our T6 Forum membership stickers come on ladies and gents and if you aint got one get on the forum shop and buy one :thumbsup: CheeRs Andy
  19. P

    This Forum Is Great

    This forum is great. I'm so glad I joined. Great help and information to help decide on options. I found the t25 forum great as well for the weird and wonderful things a old air cooled van could chuck towards you with problems. I Just wish I looked sooner if there was a forum but I have only...
  20. Tourershine

    T6F... I was just thinking

    I actually was just thinking that I only use a couple of forums, this one, and one for my business. The thing I was actually thinking about was the fact that many forums tend to be for venting issues. Now, I may of only had my new T6 a few weeks, but i've done 4000 miles already, and nothing...