Search results for query: B14 knock

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  1. I

    Sold T6 T32 Bilstein B14 Komfort coilovers £225 ono

    full set of bilsetin b14 komfort coilovers for a vw t5/t6 t32 only, no knocks or bangs, tried to free the one adjuster and can only get the one ring to spin, have not tried the rest, may just need some heat or wd40 any questions please ask £225 ono based in walsall west mids
  2. M

    Sold Bilstein B14 Komfort springs and rear dampers

    For Sale: Bilstein B14 Komfort front springs, rear springs and rear dampers. Removed from my van after covering less than 1500 miles. These are for T28 / t30 models. Selling each thing individually and would consider knocking a bit off if all bought together. Front springs: £150 Rear...
  3. mattbryson

    Can you upgrade B14 standard rear dampers to Komfort?

    Got a knocking noise from the rear suspension, apparently the dampers are shot. Currently have B14s, would it be possible to just replace them with the Komfort dampers ? I assume there would be no issues? I was under the impression the damper is the bit that is different in between the two kits...
  4. A

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    My B14's were fitted by you guys and mine knock and creak terribly, reading this now it looks like I have faulty units.
  5. IslandLife82

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    New to the forum so firstly hello. I have just fitted a set of B14 Komforts to my T32 T6.1 and I have an annoying knock mainly from the rear near side over small bumps or changes in road surface. The adjusters are at the top of the spring as I know this is a common mistake. Everything is...
  6. W

    Loose strut top mount

    Recently fitted front B14 coilovers and the top mount is fully tight but the strut still seems loose, is this correct ? They have been on for about 6 weeks and have had a knocking noise from the top mount. Any thoughts ? Taking them back out and going to use the lock nut supplied with the...
  7. BognorMotors

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    Give us a call and we can take a look for you.
  8. IslandLife82

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    Hi, I just realised I never updated this with what actually caused my knock. In my case it was the chamfer on the rear adjusters touching the spot welds causing it to rock slightly. I have put some photos below. You can see where the spot welds cut through the rubber gasket and where it was...
  9. S

    Loose strut top mount

    I have the same problem with the top mount plates, without the final nut on the plate spins freely, looks like there is a 3-4mm gap between the rubber and the body. have recently fitted B14 Komforts, new strut top mounts, bearings etc. I did use Meyle mounts, maybe they are slightly different...
  10. Stevemcc

    Bilstein B14’s Knocking Rear Any Help Please

    Hi all , so bought the B14’s and been on for around three to say really not happy with the banging,knocking on the rear So removed the rear shocks and refitted standard shocks and no more knocking Spoke with bilstein and they say I need to shave 4 bits of metal down on van at top...
  11. CRS Performance

    Knocking from Koni’s on my campervan

    Actually B14 has the drop link bracket mounted in the wrong position so fitting them actually limits the effectiveness of the ARB, Should always be fitted with longer drop links on all B14 models and the twin adjust project kit. From the same company
  12. D

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    Hi Does anybody know if this also an issue with the T5.1 Just had a new set of bilstein b14 komforts installed and the rear end is knocking really bad Thanks
  13. Craig Alexander

    B14’s Front Knocking Again!!

    my b14’s are back knocking on the front again, last time the garage raised it up 20mm and it all stopped, 3 weeks later the knocking/rattle is back again, any ideas guys???
  14. CRS Performance

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    This has always been an issue plus the fact that B14 doesnt have grub screws to hold the rear adjuster in place on the bump stop tube , .All the good kits have bigger chamfer like the KW kit does no noises at all BUT you must not grind the welds off , rather get a...
  15. BognorMotors

    T6.1 B14 Komfort rear knocking

    We’ve never grinded a single weld off, or had knocking on B14K. Which is even more strange. We worked very closely with Bilstein with the previous on the the B14. It turned out to be a faulty batch of dampers, although many claimed other issues.
  16. D

    B14 Komfort vs B14 (original)

    I love my B14’s, 3.5 trouble free years, not a squeak, rattle or knock ever. I also tow a 2000kg caravan every few weeks throughout the summer with no problems at all. Some suspension dealers rely on the placebo effect and like to exaggerate the issues of opposing brands. Some dealers don’t fit...
  17. G

    Bilstein B14 rear springs - knocking

    Morning all - got a strange problem and just wanted a steer if possible! had my B14s and Amarok steels put on yesterday, and coming off the ramps and over the rollers there was a bit of a knock / clonk from the rear. We eliminated the shocks by refitting the originals, then realised by winding...
  18. D

    Bilstein B14 rear springs snapped.....Again!!

    Based on the above I better change my B14’s as soon as possible then? My T32 tows a 2000kg caravan, plus all the associated camping gear in the back of the van. Or, maybe there’s a bit of scaremongering going on in order to drum up trade? I’ve had zero snapped springs, zero broken shocks, zero...
  19. CRS Performance

    B14’s Front Knocking Again!!

    This is the twin adjust project kit from same people who make B14 same issue as mentioned . The proper coil over kit has the ARB bracket in right place for bigger drops
  20. W

    Stance+ Ultra front knocking on T6. Bushes?

    Got exactly the same issue with B14's, did you resolve the problem?