Search results for query: water ingress

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  1. L

    Important water ingress check to make on your T6!

    ...arrow on one of the photos shows where it is when you are inside the van and where it is on the outside of the van. The cause of the water ingress is the rear quarter panel pressure vents. The perimeter seal on the pressure vents is not good enough and rain water seeps behind it. When the...
  2. RobertO2023

    Powered closing doors don’t close from internal handle nor fob

    Update…… Stripped the defective part and it has suffered water ingress! Needless to say I think it is a very poor design without any form of water resistant seals!
  3. P

    Broken down need help!

    Sounds like a BCM issue to me, or water ingress somewhere. Worth checking all connections.
  4. Pewt

    Water ingress.. from slam vents?

    They are talking b@x#%&!$ You should never get water ingress inside. As above, go back and stand your ground.
  5. willgr

    Drivers side step insert filling with water

    ...door is diverted into the cab from around the speaker. There’s a post about that somewhere on here - creating a waterproof ‘flap’ behind the speaker (using dodomat) was the suggested solution I think.. Thread 'Aftermarket Speakers, Water Ingress, VIDEO' Aftermarket Speakers, Water Ingress...
  6. Jay-D

    Really annoyed

    Another recommendation for captain tolleys, worked a treat for my install when I had a very small amount of water ingress!
  7. HeyT6

    NumberPlate LED + water

    I have installed 2 lots of these units into my T6 and they have both failed due to water ingress! lucky THQ have sent me a FOC replacement but I don’t want to fit them until I can resolve the issue. I am thinking the water is coming in from the cover above the light units (barn doors)? I don’t...
  8. burnsy79

    What Have You Bought Today?

    The brake lights from THQ have a foam adhesive gasket on the back of them that the OEM ones didn’t. They sit slightly proud due to that but still look good. The gasket can’t be a bad thing in my mind and will stop water ingress.
  9. Badjamin

    Help! Water in my side door

    Some possible culprits that spring to mind for water ingress are generally ill fitting door seals. Carpet lined doors where the carpet lining tucks behind the door seal allowing moisture in via capillary action or yhe old favorite leaky roof bolts. Outside that maybe check your sliding door...
  10. R

    Be careful in deep water!

    Driving near home tonight and had to drive through some moderately deep water - not anything to be concerned about for water ingress, but both sides of the road were submerged and there was traffic heading both ways. I was driving through at a sensible speed, maybe 8mph, when the van felt as...
  11. Grim Reaper

    Leak in the rear quarter/frame

    Roof rail mounting holes are always a sure bet for water ingress
  12. O

    Leak inside sliding door

    Hi, sorry the late response. I never got it sorted as such, VW said that water ingress is normal hence why there are drainage holes. The way I've tried to tackle it is by diverting the water that runs down between the C pillar and the sliding door. I stuck a short piece of self adhesive...
  13. C

    Side bars and water ingress through underbody panels

    ...back and they weren’t done. Mechanic wanted my permission to cut the cover at the base of the van as he stated it’s designed to stop water ingress to some mechanical components and cutting into it to fit side bars, could let water in. What are people thoughts and experiences of this. Would...
  14. D

    How to Remove Sliding Door Rail Cover Panel?

    Apply weatherproof flexible sealant to the fixing when refitting as they can allow water ingress, no surprise to most Transporter owners!
  15. I

    T6 sportline folding wing mirror sticking

    Thanks for this, actually I have had water ingress in the past from that The dealer I bought the van from took the roof bars off and didnt refit any of the bungs so the cab was filled up with water the first time it rained but mostly in the drivers side as the van was on a slope. It's...
  16. N

    Rear latch keeps failing - options to change or rig a solution?

    Thanks both. Looking at the number of threads online about failures of some element or the other, I’d say it is pretty common! Yes, I often have the tailgate open in wet weather. So could well be water ingress. Garage fitted it both times and no mention was made of any sign of water.
  17. W

    Tailgate alignment adjustment

    I would put money on the button not the fuse. I think mine got water ingress from roof rail install. You can pick them up from VW or online not to expensive.
  18. D

    Water ingress.. from slam vents?

    Thank you. So frustrating that they lie. I’m not being mugged off. Thank you for replying.
  19. Dellmassive

    Multiple warnings from rain

    Water ingress somewhere. (Prob engine bay areas) Let it dry out. . Reset all the codes. See is the same happens next time it's wet.... If so investigate further.