Search results for query: Start stop

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  1. roadtripper

    Electrical gremlin on a TSI (LIN cable fault?)

    For reference mine's diesel but this is totally normal start/stop behaviour - the ignition key on a start/stop vehicle is just a trigger, you can let go any time and it will complete that start cycle. I'm now in the habit of just flicking it to start briefly and letting it get on with it. If...
  2. K

    Newbie T6 Owner (Electrical Help Please!)

    Has start stop yes, relay under the bonnet by the battery
  3. JustWilf

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    Dropped mine off at Volkscraft in Exeter for MOT, airbag light, start/stop issue and non closing drivers door (new issue today)
  4. M

    T6 2018 non start no crank

    Hi, wonder if anyone can help, or suggest what to look at next. Went out yesterday, and whilst away my van wouldnt start, with no crank. Ended up tow starting it, turned off stop/start and drove home. Today. van still wont start, with no crank. Checked in VCDS that clutch is detected, yup...
  5. Samro

    Victron (#TeamBlue) Advanced Systems + VRM - How We Done It -

    Have you turned on Auto Start function in the Generator Start/Stop settings of the Remote Console?
  6. sparkzer

    First post, first camping trip, first user error(?)

    I had a similar random non starting issue (on a 2.5yo van however) that turned out to be a bad EFB battery. I found that if i did a couple of short trips or the fans ran after stop (DPF Regen) it wouldn't start again. I embarrassingly had this happen at a petrol station after a short trip with a...
  7. G

    Kenwood DMX5020DABS and reversing sensor lines

    Scrap that! All working fine now! Only issue is that the radio cuts out every time the auto stop-start stops! Then comes back on when the engine re-starts! Any way of changing this?
  8. T

    Can I refine the Stop/Start threshold on my DSG?

    I like the option of stop/start but is there any way of adjusting the sensitivity? Fine coming to a halt, but when you restart lift the brake and away you go with a judder, just doesn’t seem very refined.. Using a DSG box..
  9. C

    Warning lights !!!

    Is just at start, I guess that accumulates after the van stops in the evening
  10. S

    Body Control Unit question...?

    I have the warning on my dash "error stop start". Mechanic has said he's checked the wiring and he says its the BCM unit that is not working. No breaks or corrosion to the wires. Does anyone know how much I should pay for a new unit?
  11. C

    Post lanoguard burning smell

    Stop start disabled with added switch, I’ll check idle in morning. Fingers crossed sheep burn!! Idle
  12. jimc91

    Van wouldn’t restart after a Stop/Start activation

    Have you checked the battery connections are tight - sometimes the obvious things are overlooked
  13. Andysmee

    [SOLVED] Start/stop not activating very often

    Yeah, not fan speed, temperature. Hence demand on the compressor
  14. Phil TL

    First post, first camping trip, first user error(?)

    My trips through the week are typically short, but then out for at least a couple of 60min drives at the weekend. Starting a new job in April with a slightly longer commute which might help. Starter battery is an EFB+, so will see if it has gone bad with the lack of use in the showroom.
  15. H

    Idle speed high stopping Start/Stop working.

    Hi folks, VW T6 T30 SWB Diesel 2.0 TDI 150 Highline New to T6 Forum and joined primarily due to earlier issue with Stop/Start not working. Garage VDS pointed to Alternator but alas turned out to be exactly what had been reported in a T6 Forum post and that being 3 chaffed cables in the cable...
  16. Robert

    EPB Retrofit ... the way to Stop & Go

    Follow To Stop description sounds correct but automatic resume of ACC does not. By putting your foot on the brake pedal the Adaptive Cruise Control gets cancelled. In order to re-engage the ACC functionality, the MFSW button (RES or SET) needs to be pressed again.
  17. A

    Stop/Start Not Working

    if your battery is getting low on voltage it’ll not stop/start much! I changed my battery last year on my 2018 and the stop/start worked pretty much always. Obviously it depends on a lot of conditions. Have you tried the quick double press on the stop/start button which sometimes forces it to...
  18. L

    Stop/start Doing Your Head In? Disabling It - How We Done It -

    None of this is true, not in my case anyway. Maybe for a transporter as they seem the mechanical runt of the family, but I would have assumed my Golf is essentially the same engine and components (a 2.0tdi 150bhp) with stop/start. I’ve owned it from new and it’s very nearly 10 years old. 111k...
  19. gilesjuk

    Starting Procedure

    On models with the Start Stop you're not cranking the engine directly from the key, its sending a signal. So I'd say if it wasn't ready to start it wouldn't crank. But if the weather is cold you must wait for the glow plug light to go out or you'll have to try more than once to start, produce a...