Post lanoguard burning smell


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T6 Legend
Hi all,

Liberally lanoguarded and fitted belly pan tray last week.

Since then wife has reported hot/ burning smell.

Discounted as ‘I may have been very liberal with sheep scent, and it’s probably that burning off’.

Today has reported a burning smell after a 1mile journey. I have investigated with my very rudimentary mechanical knowledge.

Engine bay seems v hot.

No dash warning etc at all, no leaks I can see.

Only thing of note was as I removed oil dipstick with engine running, engine note changed and appeared to have some wisps of smoke coming out of the dipstick point. Photo attached but doesn’t really show.

Any thoughts? I drove the van around the block drives like a dream and again no warning lights, engine oil reported at 83 degrees.

No smoke from exhaust etc.

Could this be burning off sheep smell?

Could this be belly pan preventing a normal smell escaping? Certainly smells burny


Did you get any under seal on the exhaust or turbo?

They get super hot, and will smell if any contaminants get on then.
Clear liquid dripping from somewhere mid engine maybe?

Did you get any under seal on the exhaust or turbo?

They get super hot, and will smell if any contaminants get on then.

April saw new water pump and cam
Belt genuine vw


DAD9D1AB-7647-40BA-9DAD-522C2B8FC9A0.jpegClear liquid appears to just be runoff dripping from
That point in middle of pic, presumably rain run off?

Oil dipstick hole shouldn’t be smoking should it?!
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Bloody hope so!! So hopefully just sheep dip sprayed somewhere I shouldn’t have and that’s burning off?!

I deffo stayed away from brakes and auxiliary belts.

Presume engine lights would be fairly sensitive to a big issue?!
That black piece thats dripping is the aircon condense drain, totally normal to get water out of there
Okay so normal stuff so far, hopefully burning smell as said is sheep smell burning off.

Presume safe to drive considering no engine lights? If need to get to a garage etc.

I’ve messaged guy who did water pump and cam belt to see if he has any ideas too.

You esteemed folks think I should run engine for a bit to ‘burn off’ smell if that is problem?

Or indeed just drive normally being VERY vigilant if lights come in etc?

Or change oil in anticipation of issue?

Or take to a garage?
I'd be inclined to just use it normally while monitoring for leaks and levels. I suspect it's just excess lanoguard.
Running the engine, ie. idling, won't get the engine or exhaust particularly hot so won't "burn off" any excess very quickly.
Cheers for input, really spooked self, hoping it is just excess lanoguard on hot spots of engine

‘Smoke’ from
Dipstick wasn’t excessive but I’ve never dipped oil and seen smoke before, wonder if confabulating/ conjecture to fit a picture of ‘eek, hot, smelly’ picture in my mind
Don’t worry about it. If water and oil levels are fine keep driving and monitoring them. The smell will fade. The liquid on the cover is from the aircon drain as Pauly says - that is what the hole in the cover is for so it can drain away. The other source of a burning smell can be an interrupted regen - is it idling at approximately 1000rpm and stop/start not kicking in?
I was wondering what all the sheep chat was in this topic, then I googled lanoguard!
Haha soz!

Wife has driven van today, I’ll thrash it tomorrow, she thinks no smoke out of dipstick hole and less burnt smelling

Thrashed van for couple
Of miles, no smell anymore. Dipstick doing this (see link above). Is this okay?
Just a bump in case anyone can confirm this is normal or I need to book into a garage?
Looks normal to me
Thank you, my brain was seeing patterns (smell of burning, water in belly pan and then smoke out of the dip stick hole) and I was fearing the worst!

Water confirmed as drips from AC, the burning smell could be down to lanoguard liberality and if this is normal, PHEW!

Thanks again forum folk!
Been doing some reading.

Could this be a dreaded head gasket problem?

Am I best getting a VW person to look at it? Or just stop stressing?

To reiterate, van drives perfectly, no warning lights etc, full service history and recent water pump and can belt replaced.