Search results for query: dilution

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  1. D

    If a t6 shuttle has limited service history

    ...a figure that pops up for engine / turbocharger replacement. I’d walk away as the oil change is key especially with all the issues with fuel dilution and EGR re-circulating soot. You could just make a very low offer, you don’t mention how long it’s been on the market. If it’s not been long I...
  2. dubber36

    contaminated fuel

    Also, I'd say that running the tank to nearly empty after they put 25 litres in following draining the tank has contributed. You say you put 75 litres in. I would have not let it get below half full for at least 5 fill ups to keep progressively diluting the first contaminated mixture.
  3. D

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    ...the indication on the dash’ is a warning. Why it’s risen (if it has) could be a problem if nobody has added oil, it could be down to fuel dilution. I suggest you monitor the cold level and see if it continues to rise. Theres a Search function. As you can see this topic is a common issue, have...
  4. JonriceT6

    T6.1 oil level warning: Reduce Oil Level!

    My oil level has never been high, not sure about anyone else’s?
  5. Niknak

    Why is my 204PS so thirsty?

    On the plus side all this extra oil your putting in at least the oil quality will be better as your always diluting the dirty oil with fresh
  6. D

    Holy Regeneration Batman

    JLR Ingenium 2.0 tdi engines are also affected, they are renowned for heavy wear, frequent service intervals and blocked dpf's, I wouldn't touch one. There are owners who have had oil analysis results showing 20% dilution! Those engines surely won't still be working in the years ahead!
  7. J_Con19

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    Don't know if you found anything but I use solution finish to get it back to a factory look, it's a semi permanent product
  8. Dellmassive

    @Dellmassive`s T6 T32 Sportline 204 LWB DSG PV MY18 - Van Adventure

    ...the PS oil was topped up. i asked about where the oil had gone, they said it probably hadn't been topped up ever, so over the last 5years it had just gone down a bit. (wear&tear, oil degradation, evaporation, dilution - wherever, but it wasn't leaking. topped up by VW FOC during a...
  9. D

    I have been warned to avoid diesel as it lower your IQ significantly, cause cancer, heart disease, increase birth defects/impotency,

    It’s a big leap from the likely exposure in real life to OmG tHe KEMIKULZ wiLl Eat Ur BrAin!!11! Yes the fumes are harmful which is why we make sure they exhaust outside the van so they can be diluted before we breathe them in, and put mitigation on the main source (vehicle engine exhaust). I...
  10. Jet

    Regrets, have you had a few....or is it too few to mention...

    Fair point, we've bought a 2023 T6.1 DSG 150, 2000 miles, bought it from Birmingham, and oil warning light came on on the way home, my better half picked the van up from the VW Van place in Brum and drove it home, the light came on at Portmadog, she checked the oil level and it was high, at the...
  11. Ads_Essex

    Top end tapping noise on cold startup

    I havent looked at your earlier posts but my initial thought is to ask what engine code yours is? I ask as mine is a 2015 Euro 5 140PS CAAC and I added some LiquiMoly CeraTec and that quietened it down significantly. The tags above may help signpost you to similar threads, particularly this...
  12. T

    Can a charge cooler leak cause hydrolock and engine destruction?

    Egr valve coolant leak can cause loss without any signs. If it's hard turning, it may be head issues but that's really going down the omg I'm going to lose my marbles route and is unlikely before other omg it's dead now things happen... Yes, water in the engine can damage it. If your that...
  13. H

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    just getting into this detailing lark so been following this thread for a few tips first vehicle I have owned worth cleaning lol thanks and no thanks to this forum I have just invested in a Kranzle k10 pressure washer..... wow what a machine compared to the more domestic type. Brass head...
  14. D

    T6.1 oil level warning: Reduce Oil Level!

    Some oil manufacturers talk about a safe or acceptable level of oil dilution caused by diesel finding its way into the oil, of about 3%. When you've got people on this forum describing the oil level rising so much that a litre of contaminated oil has to be removed in an engine which should hold...
  15. B

    Low Oil Warning

    Just had the manual out and done an amazon order so will be able to top up tomorrow before I go Tuesday. Caught me by surprise this as my previous vehicle was always having oil dilution issues with the dpf cycle, always had too much oil!
  16. Long tall John

    Has anybody decided that paying extra for a branded fuel is saving money in spite of the extra cost?

    Or, The additive that the tankers use isn’t watered down but the brands Halfords sell are diluted, or it would be virtually impossible to measure out and you would feel like it was pointless just to put half a pee sized amount in your tank. Who knows?!
  17. Bav


    Agree that you'll never get unanimity on this type of topic, but at least if someone voices the opinion you were looking for, it dilutes the culpability if things don't turn out as you'd hoped. :rofl:
  18. S

    VW closes T6.1 order book today (3/3/23) !!!! - T7 Next? or T8?

    Its not just Ford, Honda dealership here usually have 10-12 civic engines on the workshop floor awaiting Honda sign off for rebuild or replacement due to the 1/2 wits design. A belt seemingly reduces drag improving fuel efficiency, but efficiency no dam good if it wrecks the engine.
  19. Sabre

    Coronavirus Covid-19

    Good point, well presented
  20. D

    Why is my 204PS so thirsty?

    ...5. I‘ve never needed to top up between oil changes. Physically checking your oil is a very good habit to get into, you might just catch fuel dilution / coolant emulsification before it damages your engine. Unless you have an external leak the consumed oil is ending up forming carbon in the...