Search results for query: Scorpion s7

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  1. M

    Scorpion S7 tracker.

    Did you get this tracker ,if so how is it
  2. Badjamin

    Scorpion S7 tracker.

    Thanks, but I'd already done this search and can't find anyone who can vouch for it in the results.
  3. roadtripper

    Scorpion S7 tracker.
  4. Badjamin

    Scorpion S7 tracker.

    Hi guys I'm being quoted £150 for scorpion S7 tracker and £11 a month subscription. Does anyone have this tracker and can vouch fornit please? Cheers Badj
  5. I

    S5 or S7 Tracker?

    The one I’m looking at is Moving Intelligence (formerly Phantom). Approx a £300 difference between the S7 and S5 options bundled with alarm (Sentinel). Will check out the notification / reset thing. That could get annoying quickly but so is having to carry around extra key fobs.
  6. D

    S5 or S7 Tracker?

    Some S7 trackers need you to set a ‘do not notify’ status on the app if you want to drive it. For Scorpion Track (don’t know if it’s all) this is for a maximum of 7 days, so you have to reset it every week. Otherwise they ring you up to ask if you are stealing your own van which is just a bit...
  7. Dom1nion

    Welcome new members

    ...£100 lower than SafeGuard, who couldn't offer a replacement van). They wanted us to fit a tracker due to the value, and we went for a Scorpion S7 (as they have a good rating), from Trackershop, who had it for £189. Ordered at 11pm last night, and fitted by 2pm today, by a fellow countryman of...
  8. kombisnaps

    GPSBob Mongoose S7 Tracker

    Just wondered if anyone had any experience with the GPSBob Mongoose S7 tracker at all. Looking at it for a cost effective tracker to help with insurance, as it doesn't have yearly fees and is still thatcham approved! Have been looking at the Ghost / Meta and Scorpion trackers but the yearly...
  9. AJCConversions

    AJC Conversions, Derbyshire

    First van featuring a Storm pop top left us yesterday! Customer very happy also another first for us. Scorpion S7 tracker install. Looking to implement this into our conversion packages now for that added safety
  10. Salty Spuds

    Security Tracker.

    Don’t be fooled by the upfront cost of the Tracker (Tracker as in the original tracker from Tracker has become a generic term like Hoover) the annual subscription adds up over the years. Mine will have cost around £200/year
  11. Covmod

    Security Tracker.

    Hi Pete, looking on line it looks like Ghost do both trackers and immobilisers. Like Richie M, I’ve looked on and Scorpion S7 tracker is £199 fitted, so unless I hear bad things will probably go for one of those.