Search results for query: 180

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  1. CAB

    Welcome new members

    You only get 90 days in one country I believe, but you reset the clock by nipping over the border for a day/night. More than 180 days can make you liable for tax, registration etc., but Spain and Portugal and Greece are also warm!
  2. Farnorthsurfer

    EGR delete and ECU update in Scotland

    Yes, that’s what I have. Shame they don’t have a solution for you.
  3. dandan88

    For Sale Devonports. £150, Kent

    Does anyone want a set of devonports? £180 collected from from Kent? Need them gone Let me know Pretty much as new condition, tyres aren’t so great
  4. P

    Egr and oil pressure switch faults least I now have the new design of pressure valve fitted! Thanks for the tip on the connector being turned 180 deg!
  5. Drive Wayne

    Solar panel film peeling

    I received a replacement 6 months ago for a similarly delaminating Photonic Universe 180 watt flexible panel. Get in quickly under warranty! I was advised to peel the top layer off by PU, shouldn't be an issue unless you drive through low hanging branches on a regular basis. My panel worked...
  6. Nam600

    ECU Fault - P160300 - Anyone else had this?

    The problem has not come back in 8000 miles. I didn't buy a clone ecu and decided to chance it.
  7. D

    electrical faults and power steering

    A Varta battery in the UK is approx’ £160-180, fitted and coded approx’ £200. Take your van somewhere else.
  8. cgtmiles

    Adding Solar Panels

    ...and the proposed solar kit. The MPPT connects to the battery though so the Sargent setup is not really relevant. I think my panel is 150w (maybe 180) and this is sufficient to extend the life of the battery off grid but not sufficient to maintain it indefinitely. I can get a few days off grid...
  9. lateski

    CXGB no start, cambelt failure

    Did you solve this issue? I had earlier this year bought a T6 with a failed timing belt and it had spun the whole intake cam roughly 180° and exhaust cam lobes around 90° except for the two valves which had broken rollers. Here is a picture of the faulty camshaft module on the left and new one...
  10. S

    Cam & Aux Belt Tensioner Noise, Recorded.

    Can someone confirm the tensioner torque settings please, I have found 50NM and 180 deg and 90 deg. I assume they changed it and I should use this latest 180. see Torque settings for aux belt tensioner and idler please :-)
  11. V

    Should I or Shouldn't I ? - BiTdi EGR worry!!

    Hi If you are about to buy a 180 t6 my advice is to leave it where it is as they are all doomed to failure unless they have been fitted with a new engine and the EGR has been blanked off from new people are under the misconception that the version of cooler makes them good or bad all the coolers...
  12. JOG

    Buying possibly

    Absolutely agree! My 2012 Cali is 140 bhp out of factory and you wouldn’t know that it is over 12 years old and has just shy of 90k on the clock.
  13. FerrisBFW

    2017 204 oil consumption issues [Resolved]

    Talk to Retro Resus if you are down south. £11k for. 180, but i think a 204 is more expensive
  14. R

    CXGB 102PS Engine Life Expectancy

    Not sure which type mate,
  15. B

    Wanted t6 kombi or panel van wanted

    I have a t6 Kombi 2016, 180 ps 4 motion air con heat,ed captains chairs electric sunroof full history 2 tone paintwork , a real gem lab twin soft closing side doors towbar diesel heater loads more
  16. Onyx Outdoors

    For Sale NEC Demo Awnings Ready for dispatch Monday Outwell + Easycamp + Vango coming soon

    ...have a new stock business also got loads a brand new driveways available with some big discounts, could do you one of these for £599 Outdoor Revolution Movelite T3E LOW Driveaway Awning (180-220), or if there is anything else you like the look of let me know. Thanks...
  17. Howzat

    Healthy 180 CFCA owners?

    So ONLY the 180/CFCA. OK. Thx.
  18. O

    OEM Number Valve relief pressure Rail System

    Be careful when going to order pressure sensor just by the Part number which is 04L130764B I have one on table and when I tried to screw it on rail it is 180° off did not ordered part based on car model just matched part number learning hard way
  19. Sackmycook

    Whats the longest you have lived in your van?

    What the penalty for overstaying in EU?
  20. P

    150ps 6speedgear box vs. 150 mapped 5 speed box

    150 is a sensible figure. Well within what tuners recommend as max on the 5 speed drivetrain. My old 102 5 speed was mapped to 180 and didn't destroy itself.