Search results for query: DRL bulb

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  1. jaybee

    H7 Halogen Bulb Upgrade

    Sorry to be a pain again guys but my h4 has a p21 drl bulb in the h7 the drl now becomes the main beam do I have to change the connector I thought it was just plug and play but their two different bulbs
  2. Spaghetti

    Daytime Running Light gone - warning on dash?

    Depends on your headlights. Do you have H4 (with the DRL in the large reflector near the centre) or H7 with (DRL below the low beam reflector)? They use different but standard bulbs and can be changed with reasonable ease.
  3. Steved55

    T6 shuttle led drl bulb fitting

    Hi - I've bought a pair of led bulbs for my shuttle but can't easily get them to fit where the old bulb came out - frightened of the bulb falling into the headlamp! Anyone got these to fit please?
  4. Droneshadow

    H4 DRL Bulb upgrade

    Managed to get the drivers side DRL out today, bulb holder is perfect, twenty20 bulb is working fine, I put power through the bulb holder to test, polar is correct because they were working perfectly. Carista says fault code 02745 left daytime running lamp: short circuit to ground, and 02746...
  5. dubber36

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    DRL bulbs
  6. sipep

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    Am I missing something here. The headlights look like they take 4 bulbs, but I only have three H7 Osram Cool Blue Intense Next Gen Halogen Bulbs for main and dipped. Twenty20 Elegance Canbus LED's 12V W21W for DRL's Twenty20 Endurance 12V 5W W5W Long Life for side lights Indicators?
  7. Sackmycook

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    1005 and 1006 for left and right side. The letter will designate the age. A oldest, B second oldest etc.....the early one will have the older drl bulb holder which is prone to burning out
  8. F2JON

    How to remove a T6.1 drl bulb ???

    Does anyone know how to remove a t6.1 drl bulb, I’ve tried everything twisting, pulling and still it’s not moving ?? Help !!
  9. ginkster

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    ...I used. It looks longer because the shiny black bit between the connector and bulb head is much larger. The bulb is also black rather than silver (not that will stop it fitting!). Maybe they have changed the design? Link to mine below. And pic to show it looks shorter. 20Twenty LED DRL Bulbs
  10. sipep

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    Regarding these, I recently had to return mine to them as they would not fit. They said that the design may have changed
  11. S

    H1 LED Canbus bulbs

    Hi, I've replaced my headlights for my T6 with these Transporter HQ ones. The dipped beam bulbs (H7) are LED and look/work great. However, the best bulbs available for the main beam (H1) as an upgrade when I bought the lights were Nightbreaker H1s. Although these are only used when I need to use...
  12. T

    Sold THQ V3 LED DRL Headlights (Black)

    Hi, selling my THQ V3 Headlights in black. Only selling as I’ve reverted back to the ‘Jun Yans’ that I had laying around, in the hope they’ll last until THQ release the new full led’s and I’ll buy those instead :slow rofl: Absolutely immaculate, only ran them for about 2 months and they did...
  13. TristanH

    Another "what headlight bulb?" thread , eek
  14. Howzat

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    Well now who's the H4 one. Sorry, my bad. I can't remember if the low filament went off when hitting high beam on the H4's? If it does then coding would fix that to act like brake light bulbs but brake lights dont stay lit for long so I'd treat a coded H4 the same. OK for flashing or a couple...
  15. MrD

    T6.1 H7 & H15 Bulb Upgrades

    What a pain in the backside the H15 are , worst I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. Found the passenger side cable connector to bulb was loose on opening up to remove the bulb, strange . Anyway then tried some H15 LED bulbs with a “99%” canbus rating……they didn’t work at all nothing...
  16. D

    Lights flicker when starting up the van

    Hi, I added some new DLR bulbs, but as it was not very good light conditions when testing the bulbs, the dip beam lights came on, but i noticed that the lights are flickering.. would this just be the alternator not generating enough current or something more sinister going on? cheers
  17. georgedyte

    Headlight switch cable identification

    Hi bud , just wondered if you got to the bottom of this , I’ve just had exact same issue so I’ve taking the lower grill drl off and everything back to normal but all been working fine for a few years then all of a sudden started playing up cheers
  18. stupot

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    I applaud anyone with the dexterity to replace the DRL bulb without removing the lamp. I struggled with it on the table!
  19. Farnorthsurfer

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    Sorry, are you referring to the DRL bulb as LED’s are fine for DRL bulbs. There is an earlier thread referring to the MOT requirements.
  20. sipep

    H4 To H7 Upgrade

    Okay I went to page 33 is there a list of bulbs as I can't see it.. Got it H7 Osram Cool Blue Intense Next Gen Halogen Bulbs for main and dipped. Twenty20 Elegance Canbus LED's 12V W21W for DRL's Twenty20 Endurance 12V 5W W5W Long Life for side lights