Headlight switch cable identification

The Flying Scotsman

Bugger this I’m off fishing
VIP Member
T6 Legend
I’m still trying to sort the issue I’ve got with my THQ lights.
I’m pretty sure I know what’s causing the problem.
There has been 2 wires tapped into the wiring going to the light control switch. A red and a blue wire.
I’m not sure what they are for and I’ve spoken to the company that converted my van and they have said they had not fitted them.
So still no idea what they are for.
If I knew what the wires they are connected to are for then hopefully they would give me and idea.
I know the black wire is and ignition feed. But not sure what the red and black wire is. Any ideas?
I’m going away in it next week so I’m at the stage of just cutting the blue and red wires and waiting to see what if anything stops working.
If they are required I hope to move them off of the lighting circuit. Which is super sensitive apparently.

Check the wiring diagram in members download section. Looks like someone has tapped into 2 live feeds one from fuse 32 and the other from fuse 8.
Black wire is Terminal 15 ignition live. Red/black wire is Terminal 30 constant live. Brown is earth, Grey/blue is instrument lighting. All others go to the BCM to control your lights.
Looks like they have used extremely heavy wiring not suited to where they have tapped into. I hope that the current draw is not commensurate with that extra wiring.
Thanks guys. So it’s an ignition live and permanent live they have used for something.
I’m going to pop off the lower dash again and see how far back I can trace them. Might give me an indication of what they are for.
Then I think I’m going to cut them to see what if anything stops working and if something does stop working then I’m going to take them to the internal fuse box and pick up an ignition and permanent live from there. So that they are not attached to my light circuit.
Hopefully this will stop the fault I’m getting with both my front and rear THQ lights.
I will update this thread with my progress as THQ have never come across this problem before.
My guess is bumper DRLs or dashcam ?
Everything works fine.
Then after about 5 minutes of the van running I hear a click like a relay then the bulb out light comes on on the dash and the main rear THQ lights go off but brake lights reverse and indicator lights work.
Also the DRLs in the THQ headlights turn off but the main beam stays on.
Then the next day no light on dash and everything working
For 5 minutes
I’ve done some digging and taken off dash panels and chased those wires. They go to a box. Definitely aftermarket.
Possibly an old tracker ?
I’ve taken pics of both sides of it.
Any idea guys?
I’m hoping to just cut the wires off that are attached to my light switch wires.
Do you think this will cause any problems with my van ?

I’ve stripped out that box and its loom. Everything in van still appears to be working.
I’m still getting the problem though.
It sometimes clears after I’ve turned the van off and back on. But a short drive later light goes on on my dash and the main rear lights go off.
I’m at a loss as what to do next. I was sure it was those wires attached to my light switch.
Back to the drawing board now unfortunately
Hi guys just jumping on this thread as its relevant to whats up with my T6. What port is the dipped headlights on passenger side (front left). Can't figure out the diagram to know whether its the yellow and black. Could someone please confirm I've had a multi meter on IMG_3022.jpegand still wont test.
Everything works fine.
Then after about 5 minutes of the van running I hear a click like a relay then the bulb out light comes on on the dash and the main rear THQ lights go off but brake lights reverse and indicator lights work.
Also the DRLs in the THQ headlights turn off but the main beam stays on.
Then the next day no light on dash and everything working
For 5 minutes
Hi bud , just wondered if you got to the bottom of this , I’ve just had exact same issue so I’ve taking the lower grill drl off and everything back to normal but all been working fine for a few years then all of a sudden started playing up cheers
Hi bud , just wondered if you got to the bottom of this , I’ve just had exact same issue so I’ve taking the lower grill drl off and everything back to normal but all been working fine for a few years then all of a sudden started playing up cheers
It was a blown interior light fuse that was causing all the problems.
Why this was effecting the rear lights I’ve no idea.
But that’s what caused it.
I’ve also got my bumper and bonnet DRLs working. I kept them off the light circuit and took them to an ignition feed in the fuse box beside the battery.
They come on with the ignition and stay lit for about 30 secs after you remove the keys.
But I don’t get any problems with the bulb out light on the dash.
Thanks for your time , I will go down the same route as you , hopefully that solves it ,lights must be extra sensitive on these vans
Yup super sensitive light system.
Pain in the arse but I got all my DRLs and my THQ LED front, rear and side lights working