Search results for query: water ingress

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  1. D

    Water in Passenger foot well

    Water ingress problem seems fixed. It turned out to be AC condensate. The drain to the engine compartment terminates in a rubber grommet just below and left of the battery. This should have an open ‘slot’ at the bottom- mine seems to have sealed itself up. Condensate had nowhere to go other than...
  2. D

    T6 sportline folding wing mirror sticking allow for air flow. Im thinking.. and it’s a long shot, that this may be the reason why my mirror is playing up. Moisture on the connections playing havoc… Anyway it may pay for you to check your van for any water ingress just to rule it out. As I said, its a long shot but worth a look.
  3. Dellmassive

    Random starting fault, not cranking, no codes, relay 645 trick

    try swapping out the relay, - as above and check the socket terminals for water ingress and corrosion. and possibly spread terminals, causing poor connection.
  4. CatDem

    Water in Passenger foot well

    I do you have a picture of it please?
  5. dubber36

    New LV headlights - condensate

    Light misting that soon clears is normal. If you have large droplets that never disappear there will be a problem with water ingress. There's no harm in dropping a couple of small silica gel packs inside the lights every other week during the winter.
  6. Sasquatch

    All electrics off while driving!

    ...modules an computers around the vehicle. I'm don't know what VW Group call their equivalent. It was a fairly common problem due to water ingress. Some owners got away with cleaning the big connector on the edge of the board, but in needed a whole new unit. The symptoms were identical to...
  7. Salty Spuds

    Multiple warnings from rain

    Aye, it'll dry out if we have a couple of weeks of warm dry weather.....oh hang on! :rolleyes:
  8. MikM

    Blowing C44 fuse/wiring to sliding door control unit

    if it was, what problem would it cause? because now I've disconnected the red and blue 12v feed everything still seems to work...
  9. racT6bus

    New feature - handbrake activated right indicator!

    There has been an exceptional amount of rain where I am, but no water ingress visible in the footwell, but I'm guessing the rain must have caused water to get in somewhere. It hasn't happened again yet, but clearly, there is a problem there that needs investigating at some stage!
  10. Pauly

    What Have You Bought Today?

    No, not me mate, I have mentioned getting water into/under the rear threshold when the tailgate is open in the rain but not a leak/ingress problem
  11. Badjamin

    Help! Water in my side door

    Okay is your wheel arch liner (exterior plastic liner) still in place above your wheel? I don't know why you'd have a hole in your wheel arch but maybe there? Driving in rain the spray could get in perhaps??? If your rear seals and slider seals are definitely 100% in tact and healthy and roof...
  12. D

    T6.1 reimo roof seal leaks

    It should be fully sealed but that won’t stop the water running into the door or window. The only way to prevent the water ingress is to fit an multi awning rail either side which will provide an effective gutter. Reimo or cheaper Vamoose which is just as good as the Reimo.
  13. Shaun Witts

    Side bars and water ingress through underbody panels

    I’m another that cut the plastic under trays to fit around the side bar mounts. The under trays do not stop water ingress as they are not sealed in any way, though they will minimise it except when driving though deep water.
  14. M

    Electric Tailgate / Trunk stopped opening with key 2017/18 T6

    Thank you for looking. I’ll try get a look during the week. Do you know if nearside rear or offside rear? Cheers
  15. M

    Electric windows with a mind of their own!

    ...with a VW specialist and he has recommended that I replace the micro-switch on the drivers door lock as well, as they can be prone to water ingress. Just wanted to ask the question what's the thoughts? As I am still really concerned that the windows could open again, weather or theft...
  16. E

    Drivers side step insert filling with water

    Hi, I took mine to VW and they did a ‘water ingress test’ (put it under a hose for a few hours) and confirmed there was a leak. They’ve said it’s a door seal that’s the problem and they’re ordering me a new seal in. Once it’s fitted and it rains again I’ll report back as to whether this is the...
  17. W

    Rear tailgate door drains plugged.

    ...need to be open. The holes on our VW touran tailgate holes are open. Why would someone have plugged them with these plastic plugs? I thought they might have been having water ingress past the seal and put them in to stem the leakage. Or am I missing something here guys. Your thoughts please...
  18. Rye

    T6.1 led front driving/fog lights

    Any update on this please guys? I previously had LED upgrade bulbs/lamps haha in mine, but got lots of condensation/ water ingress. Could anyone advise the bulbs they used, are happy with, causing no dash errors or condensation ingress. Trouble free would be good
  19. D

    Underslung Water Tank Filling Issue

    The tank has to be vented at the highest point. This to allow the air out when filling and to allow air in when consuming water. I have two vents in case I’m parked on a hill, 4mm bore is plenty, stick a cheap, generic disposable fuel filter on the end of the vent tubes to prevent ingress of...
  20. L

    Door Speakers - Water Ingress

    Is water ingress in the door speakers a common problem in the T6? The factory speakers coil complete seized after just a few years. Replaced them with a factory kit last year and now the left door speaker has become all scratchy and bad. Took the new speakers out and found rust on the backside...