Electric windows with a mind of their own!

love it. . . .

so you got a knackered key with a sticky button?

or wet key with water ingress?
love it. . . .

so you got a knackered key with a sticky button?

or wet key with water ingress?
assuming a sticky button, btw the tin was washed out beforehand so it won't get extra sticky ;) Although just been told the spare key did get wet yesterday......
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My windows did this a month ago, to which I thought it I had sat on key. However, it did it a week ago windows fully down again and I know for sure this time it wasn't the keys as they were on a table top.
I have had the comfort function disabled on the fob and door barrel, and it hasn't happened for 5 days now.
I have spoken with a VW specialist and he has recommended that I replace the micro-switch on the drivers door lock as well, as they can be prone to water ingress.

Just wanted to ask the question what's the thoughts? As I am still really concerned that the windows could open again, weather or theft!!

Thanks in advance
There's a post about this somewhere on the forum as my van did this regularly. You have to go on to your dash display and cancel this out.
Here it is.

Put this in the search button.​

Electric windows with a mind of their own!​

Yes, I've been on this post and I have had the function disabled on fob and door lock via OBD plug in. However, I have been told that it could be the door lock micro switch?
You just disabled the fob function as I have and that sorted it for you?
Hi folks - serious help needed. 69 plate Shuttle - it’s happened twice now - locked the van with the front windows shut - next time I’ve looked at the van say an hour later both windows have fully opened on their own. wtf. How could I park somewhere with confidence? Has anyone ever experienced a similar problem? Cheers
Did you get this sorted?
Yes, I've been on this post and I have had the function disabled on fob and door lock via OBD plug in. However, I have been told that it could be the door lock micro switch?
You just disabled the fob function as I have and that sorted it for you?
Yes it sorted it for me.