Search results for query: High oil level

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  1. D

    Engine Oil testing - soot levels

    A Caution level is around 1%, 2.7% is pretty high but what’s done is done. It might indicate that the EGR is not sealing and there is a constant flow AND / OR there are too many failed DPF re-generations. Maybe consider reducing the oil change interval to less than 12K miles. As a comparison I...
  2. D

    Oil level too high warning… AGAIN

    ...oil results in approx 5% increase in volume / 100 deg C temp rise. So with 7.4L volume and a temperature differential of 80 deg C the volume will increase by approx‘ 0.3L. Given that the oil will be distributed around the engine when running I doubt that this will trigger a high oil level...
  3. D

    VW Service waiting times

    I think you have a problem with the engine, that’s high oil consumption. If the oil is not leaking externally it is being burnt which isn’t helping with the DPF soot levels.
  4. D

    EGR Valve Self Test Procedure (IDE00242)- P046C?

    Thanks so much for your help again! Much appreciated. Yes codes seen (and reset) by the garage were: P046C00 - Implausible signal P245700 - Exhaust Gas Recirculation: engine power too low The engine warning light came on again during my next journey, so I ran a code check using Car Scanner app...
  5. mmi

    DPF Regen Frequency / Issues / Force discussion.

    The ash is the residue what is left when soot is burned - soot burns, ash doesn't. 61 grams is just normal for the mileage (144000 km). The calculated maximum is 110 grams - which at current rate would be reached at 260000 km. I don't think it will trigger any fault alone. Maintenance workshop...
  6. mmi

    [T6_measured] 01-Engine - Oil pressure switches & Oil level sensor

    Well, not sure about wrong but the following are different what mine is doing: At engine start-up your engine does not raise oil pressure to high level (orange line) (compare with post#1 picture 1). When revving the engine your engine does not raise oil pressure to high level (orange line)...
  7. Drive Wayne

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    I have the same age van, T6.1 Startline (April 2020 edition), blissfully unaware of any such issues until my solar panel packed up and had to drive it 180 miles oop North to get that replaced under warranty. On the way to sunny 'North of Bradford' the dreaded 'oil too high' warning came on so I...
  8. Mick

    VW Service waiting times

    Yep they are going to check it all out. Typo should have read 2500. The soot levels was considered an issue cos of the EGR issue.
  9. mmi

    DPF Regen every 50Km. Excessive Oil consumption CXEB 150kw

    Hmmm.... looks like the log is an earlier one as it stops at 238907 km. Thanks for sharing - very intriguing data! Anyways, the same phenomena can be seen - e.g. below from 238579 km to 238763 km = 184 km, 2 hours. Plotted the two soot mass parameters (calculated & measured) which are used by...
  10. P

    T6.1 BiTDI 204 power at higher ambient temperature

    Sounds like you were putting it through a lot more strain than I did, though the behaviour looks similar. Why are you thinking of compression issues? My initial though was software limiter that dials down power based on the temperatures/conditions, though I do not have much mechanical knowledge...
  11. CarreraRSR

    Healthy 180 CFCA owners?

    Just done mine and the comments were "Wear metal analysis reveals high Aluminium, consistent with the well known EGR cooler corrosion issue sometimes seen with VW 2.0 L BiTDI 180 hpCFCA engines. Soot is at a 'caution' level, likely also EGR related." Best get an oil change and look at blanking...
  12. D

    Oil Analysis shows high levels of Iron

    Miller regard the soot limit as 2% otherwise the viscosity cannot be determined. All soot is from combustion, whether first time around or re-circulated through the EGR. An oil and filter change would be a good idea. Here’s the MIller failure criteria
  13. Deansie

    204PS CXEB Bi-Turbo snapped small turboshaft

    Hi to all of you, From Sweden and new to the forum, searching the web for people with similiar issues brought my here with my broken van. The van is a 2016 VW Caravelle 204ps DSG 4Motion. Background: Bought the van from a VW dealership a year ago when it had ran 197500km (roughly 122k miles)...
  14. D

    2016 180PS Bi-TDi CFCA engine failure

    Sounds to me like the EGR valve is jammed open, the EGR cooler is degraded and the aluminium is how many PPM? I wouldn’t waste anytime getting at least one or two oil / filter changes done in quick succession after fitting the Tafmet kit.
  15. S

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    You shouldn’t have to do that with a new vehicle…VW should do a recall to all impacted vehicles and sort the problem.
  16. D

    A recurring oil issue on T6,1.

    I think the risk (as well as the obvious fact that a mixture of oil and diesel is not the optimum engine lubricant) is that rapidly moving engine parts (crank) could dip into the oil if the level is too high, causing the oil to froth as it becomes aerated. frothy oil doesn't lubricate the engine...
  17. Dellmassive

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    So it's high then . It's will be high from, Oil, Coolant, Diesel. Answer the above to work out which it could be?
  18. burnsy79

    T6.1 Reduce Oil warning

    Welcome! I followed the video and I’ve been fine since. The light came on once, just after and then cleared. Once that error is triggered it does need to see the significant change before the error clears. If you don’t, you’ll clear the error every time you lift the bonnet and then it’ll come...
  19. Eli

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    Currently sat in VW Llandudno whilst the California gets an oil change due to the “High Oil Level” light coming on
  20. Scottish Scrutineer

    Oil Temperature

    It might be a bit high, but check that the oil level is correct, ensure using the correct oil and its been changed as per the service schedule, and check there are no obstructions to the airflow into the engine compartment (leaves or other debris blocking the intercooler/radiator, additional...