Hi Guys,
I’m looking at these on my T30.
Tyres would be 255/35/20 102
Im currently running standard shocks with 50mm H&R lowering springs on standard 17” VW alloys on spacers. Will I have any issues with the...
Hi - have a set of Uberbus Eibach 50mm lowering springs and OEM dampers for sale. They are off my T32 and have done 9k. The springs are red - have a few marks on the top of the springs where they have rubbed. Nothing that you would ever see. I can send photo's if anyone is interested. They are...
Looking to swap some 40MM H&R lowering springs for some 50MM versions.
On the off chance that someone doesn't like how low the 50's are.
Located in South Lakes
Took me a good few hours on my own in the garage, but not difficult.
Things you will need over and above the standard tool kit you already have if you are tempting this yourself.
7 MM Allen key to remove standard suspension top caps.
T40 Torx bit for the drop link arm.
3 arm puller as no way...
Hi folks
Considering Eibach springs but undecided between 30mm or the 50mm drop. Fairly heavy T6 camper on 20s with the rear end sag and up at front.
Anyone got photos of theirs done and please say if they’re 30mm or 50mm dropped
A friend went to coilovers last year and is now selling his raceline eibachs in lime green.
we’re on his T32 from new for only a few thousand miles.
£170 ono
If anyone’s interested I’ll pass on his number
Hi all
has anyone tried the kit from travelin lite - 50mm drop on H&R springs with meyle shocks for under 500 quid
I’m more than likely going togo down the CRS option or maybe b14 but. It iced these when looking for other bits and thought I would ask the question
I have the eibach pro 50mm springs from custom vanz and standard dampers. The van sits great but if I hook my bike trailer or put a bit of weight in the rear it sits lower than the front. Is this because the standard dampers are not sufficient , if so do I go for a B8 Bilstein?
Hi all
just been to Kwick fit and was advised my passenger side shock is either knackered or the top mount and the other side is going
in short it knocks like a bitch continually and needs sorting as it’s doing my head in.
can anybody shed any light on similar experiences or advise on how to...
Taken from T30 campervan conversion. VGC, only 2000miles. Removed to fit VB Air. Comes with original front shocks (as I don’t have spring compressors) and rear shocks/cups etc if purchaser requires. Collection only from Bath due to size and weight. *****NOW SOLD*****
I will be removing a set of 50mm drop H&R T30 springs at the beginning of March as I am getting a set of B14s fitted.
Used H&R 50mm springs T30 £100 + PP
Iam thinking of lowering my t6 t30,
Iam running 20" alloy wheels.
Iam Undecided on going 40mm or 50mm, is there much difference, would like to see some pics just to make my mind up.
Evening all, been reading up and reading a lot of posts about the 50mm springs being very firm, especially over potholes. Given I live in Scotland where potholes seem to be every 50m, I'd like to know if anyone has any experience of both or knows whether the 40mm springs are significantly softer...
so looking at these springs for bitdi dsg t32, obviously should get the heavier springs according to the chassis plate! But Does anyone out there run the softer ones on there t32 if they are not carrying much weight???
I understand the whole insurance/load capacity issue but just want to know...
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