fault codes

  1. Dellmassive

    [Guide] Full Van ECU Reset (Capacitive Discharge) -- How I Done It --

    Full Van ECU Reset (Capacitive Discharge) -- How I Done It -- The T6 is full of ECU`s, Modules, CAN Buses and Data packets . . . . . Just like your Phone or PC right. The motor vehicle industry has spent years with research and development making the modern car/van Data and electrical system...
  2. C

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    O.k, so as my Kombi has been upgraded from Euro 5 140 to Euro 6 150, I've now got Adblue to get my head around, so this is a question to those in the know- how long does the 12 litres last and what would happen if you run out of Adblue? Can the engine still run on diesel only? Bit of a noob...
  3. tintim

    Help With Some Dtc's/fault Codes On Obdeleven

    Hello Little help with some fault codes that keep appearing. 3rd one is new! Anything to be concerned about? Thanks 01 Engine System description: R4 2,0L EDC Software number: 03L906019GQ Software version: 8440 Hardware number: 03L907309L Hardware version: H38...
  4. Colner

    Carista Fault Codes X14

    Just took delivery of my Carista and had a play with changing the settings. When I ran the Diagnostic check, it returned 14 fault codes so I was wondering where to go to work out whether anything urgent needs addressing, any suggestions? OBD2 - confirmed: P20EE - SCR NOx Catalyst Efficiency...
  5. Ashypants

    Carista Errors T6 Caravelle

    Evening, Can anyone advise on the error codes below please : ECU info obtained with Carista 376099 for iOS: Engine Part #: 04L906056KR Coding: 0025401C437401080000 (hex) Component: R4 2.0l BTD Fault codes: 15560 Manufacturer-specific code Transmission Part #: 0BT300046A Coding: 0014...
  6. S

    Airbag Error After Fitting Dash Cam

    Hello again peeps. I hard wired a dash cam yesterday as per the helpful advice I found yesterday after asking on this forum, and it seems to work fine. I have come to drive the van this morning and have noticed an airbag error. I have tried to remove the dash cam wiring to make sure it hadn’t...
  7. Para J

    Glow Plug Warning Light.?

    Just coming out of York this morning and the glow plug heater light started flashing. Called VW they said it was ok to drive as no loss of power and no other lights on. Now at home waiting for a VW tech to come and check the Sandy out.
  8. J

    Help with fault codes.

    Hi, Could someone please help me identify fault codes U029E and U02A3 Many thanks James
  9. superchargedpolo

    NOx sensor and Adblue faults codes

    I'm starting a new thread to make it easier to search this issue. I recently experienced the following problems with my van. It's a Euro 6 102bhp 2017 model. Basically my mpg started to decrease significantly and my adblue consumption started to go through the roof, for no good reason...
  10. P

    Engine Light And Flashing Coil

    hi the engine light and flashing coil light have appeared on the dash a friend plugged his snap on diagnostic tool in and got this code 5d5e00h/611892 any help is appreciated
  11. gmaster

    Carista Codes 000397, 00036 & 03303?

    I ran the carista app on my T6, T32, 204 Kombi earlier and the following fault codes came up: 000397 00036 03303 The van has done 1,700 miles. Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated.