fiamma f45s

  1. G

    Fiamma F45S privacy room v’s front / side blockers

    Hi I have a T6 LWB with a 3m Fiamma F45S awning. We have a Vango Hexaway awning but considering something a little smaller for short stays. I’ve seen a couple of options to attach the our wind out awning on the Fiamma website. Does anybody have any experience of either their privacy room lite...
  2. C

    Awning direct fit to van

    Being told by a company who quoted to fit a F45s that they rivet and bond the awning straight onto the van, Is this quite normal and are there any pitfalls ?, Always had a rail on previous two occasions Cheers
  3. G

    F45 awning sheared off

    Our 1st proper trip in our brand new T6. Came back from our walk to find awning had sheered off, another camper had lifted it back up. The articulated arm had sheered off and then a pool of water had caused the bracket rivets to fail. Hence the awning fell and scratched our 6 week old van...
  4. Camper_Chris

    Fitting Fiamma f45 to Vamoose multi rail

    I looking to fit a Fiamma f45 to my T6 which has a Vamoose multi rail. Looking on Fiamma's website they list several kits for fitting to multi rails ranging from Reimo, Vamoose etc. What recommendations/experience does anyone have of there Combi rail kit or their other kits?
  5. Sackmycook

    Found Fiamma F45 front blocker

    Looking for a Fiamma F45 front panel/blocker.... What have you got ?
  6. Stantman

    Fiamma fitting with roof bars LWB

    I am considering a wind out F45s for the van. Currently has roof rails fitted which I use. As it's the LWB I have the second from the front mounting point free and the one at the rear jus in front of the very back point. They are nearly 1.7m apart. Would these be able to be utilised to fit the...
  7. Mike Dean

    Found Fiamma F45s with privacy room.

    Looking for a fiamma F45s + privacy for SWB. Cash money ready, what's out there? :thumbsup:
  8. MrD

    Fiamma F45 v F35 material

    Does anybody conclusively know whether the F45 material is the same as the F35 , I have read in 1 item description the F35 is water resistant in light rain . Also while I am asking I keep seeing "left hand drive " versions does it actually make a difference if used with UK spec adapters?
  9. W

    Fiamma F45S or Thule Omnister?

    Hi All, Looking for your opinions for the best wind out awning - Fiamma 45S or Thule Omnister? Also, any recommendations of professional fitters in the Cardiff area to fit to a T6 with skyline pop top would be appreciated. TIA
  10. M

    Found Fiamma F45s or Thule Wind Out wanted

    Hi All I'm looking for a Fiamma 45s 260 in black ideally with the brackets for the 'C' Rail (aka factory roof bar prep) if anyone has one for sale. If no Fiamma I'll be tempted by any Thule ones out there too in Anthracite Thanks in advance
  11. Sackmycook

    Fiamma F45s compatibility with Skyline standard pop-top

    Just had a major wobble about whether I need to alter what's in the picture when my pop-top is fitted on Tuesday next week Anyone offer some reassurance or otherwise....
  12. Sackmycook

    Tight kador strip on Fiamma F45s

    Just test erected my new (to me) Kampa Air awning.... ....the Kador strip on the figure of 8 kit I bought is nice and easily slideable unlike the slot on the front of the F45s van awning. Seems pretty tight. I'm sure they are both 6mm slots. Is there a technique to it or an easy cheat I could...
  13. T6ChrisO

    Found Fiamma F45 Wind Out Awning

    On the off chance if anyones thinking of getting rid, im after a Fiamma F45 wind out awning (ideally in black). Im based in Manchester
  14. Sackmycook

    Found Used Fiamma F45s or similar

    As title.....for a friend not me
  15. B

    Fiamma or Multirail - Any regrets or advice?

    Hi all I am still torn between getting Fiamma F45 installed to our conversion, or a Reimo multirail, with the option of then installing a wind out awning to it. The van will be a daily driver so I am wondering if having one fitted will be something that I regret. Also, I will definitely be...
  16. Nigel J

    Fiamma Awning fitting with a poptop

    I would like to fit a Fiamma canopy to our T6, the problem is we have a Austop popup roof fitted and it looks like the roof will fail the bracket when lowered. Has anybody fitted these brackets to a T6 with a Austop? ps. the brackets i am looking at air the ones that bolt in to the gu
  17. Toad

    Fiamma F45s Owners - Additional Sun Shade?

    I've added the light privacy room to my F45s, but in the sun last weekend it would have been lovely to have had a bit of outside shade. This could be achieve by inserting a tarp in to the upper channel on the front of the extended awning. Has anyone bought/used anything that does this? Any...
  18. P

    Fiamma F45S instructions wanted!

    Hello! We have just bought a Fiamma 45s awning for our T6. We currently have roof rails. Has anyone fitted an awning an kept roof rails? Does anyone have any fitting tips or a video as we’ve been looking but can’t seem to find any advice out there any the instructions aren’t very clear. Any help...
  19. Nevtiger

    Awning Length for a SWB

    Morning. What length of Fiamma F45 would people recommend for the SWB T6? There are a few close alternatives and im a bit confused. Cheers
  20. P

    if I have a rail like the F45 can I use it to mount a tent type awning as well?

    Hi all, first post here. Just joining team black this week as we pick-up our stock standard 16 plate highline kombi and embark on a 2 year fit out process leading to a full camper. For this year I want to get it booked in straight away for a pop-top (going to go with skyline aurora unless anyone...