
  1. dubdub

    Tailgate adjustments to stop rattling

    Has anyone tried to adjust the keep plate? I think i have finally traced an annoying clunking to some play in the tailgate once its shut. I tried stuffing a bit of rag into the gap around the latch area once the tailgate was closed and it made a lot of difference so my guess is if i move the...
  2. Ronnie Remo

    Vibration rectified, might interest someone?

    I took my T6 Kombi in to have it's missing armrests installed today (Don't ask ha) and while I was dropping it off I mentioned a vibration noise I had between 1600-2000 rpm seemingly around the dashboard front area, it was at it's peak around 1800rpm. I thought they might think I'm the usual...
  3. L

    Cupboards contents rattling

    hi all, I wondered if anyone can make any recommendations for preventing stuff rattling around in the cupboards, a moterhomer suggested some lining for he cupboards, which prevents stuff sliding, you just cut it to size, no idea what this was though, should have asked :)