seat belts

  1. T5MarkyBoy

    Van To Kombi Seat Belt Brackets/reinforcements?

    Does anyone know if you need to fit any reinforcement brackets when turning a Van into a Kombi? ;) LWB van in here? :eek: cheers Marky
  2. Lynvinge

    Fit Rear Seatbelt In Transporter

    Hello. Im going to fit rear seats and seatbelts in my 06 Transporter T5 (WV1ZZZ7H) Do i need reinforcement where the belt rollers should be mounted? 2nd and 3rd row. Than the reinforcement to seat brackets. I will have 2+1 in 2nd row. what reinforcement shold i have at the middle? In the 3rd row...
  3. T5MarkyBoy

    Best Place For Some Second Row Seat Belts?

    After the two for the C-Pillars Van to Kombi I actually have the drivers side one but seems to have reeled it’s way in too far to get out ✌
  4. Adam_T6

    Kombi Conversion - Seatbelt Measurement Please?

    Hello, Is anybody in the position to measure this distance, but on the drivers side please?
  5. Jimmi

    Jammed Middle Seat Belt

    I regularly take the seats out of my Kombi, usually about twice a week, every now and again the centre seatbelt on the double seat gets stuck. I can usually free it up by folding the seat flat and wiggling it, however this time it is properly stuck does anyone have any solutions how to unjam it...
  6. Yorkyrmcdo

    Found Kombi Seat Belt Panels

    Hi all, looking for both stock seat belt panels for a kombi, rear seats cash waiting,
  7. M

    Seat Buckle Casing Broken

    At some point in the clumsy removal of the 2+1 rear seats I've somehow broken the casing of the seat belt buckle of the single seat. Two pieces of plasic sandwich together. I've one half but lost the other. Would these parts the orderable from VW? Given how tight the 2+1 sests are to each other...
  8. F

    Ply Lining Rear Quarters New Panel Van

    hello, I’ve had a search but couldn’t find the answer. When I panelled my T5 the rear quarters had fixing holes around the top rear quarter. My new T6 hasn’t any holes, so what are people doing? Many thanks Ben
  9. Graeme Mckay

    Sleeping On The Move

    At a recent show I saw a bloke advertising his new overnight sleeper mini coach. Merc sprinter with 12 beds. Got me wondering whether people can sleep in camper conversions and motorhomes (rock n roll bed). Can't find anything definitive online. Lots of opinions and anecdotes.
  10. Richard h

    Kombucha Triple Middle Seatbelt

    Morning , put my puppy in the van this morning only to find out he has chewed through the middle seat belt on my tripple kombi seat . Anyone one know where I can sort a replacement or if a new belt can be installed in the mechanism? Cheers
  11. Howler

    Found C Pillar Seat Belt Cover/clip

    Anyone got one of these plastic seat belt covers/clips out of a Kombi they'd like to get rid of? Only need the red circled bit, thanks very much
  12. SkyMonster

    Seat Belt Light On.

    I removed my drivers seat a couple of days ago and refitted it. I forgot to re connect the connector under the seat which i believe can cause an Airbag light fault but my issue is i have a Seat Belt light even though the connector is back on now. I ran a diagnostic via a dongle but its not...
  13. Higgidav

    Seat Belt will not release

    Hi, installing the leisure battery etc today and removed the B piller trip to get the cables through. Unbolted the seatbelt but did not disconnect the electrical connections. I’ve put everything back together and now the seatbelt will not release. Any ideas?
  14. Tym

    Rattle From Passenger Seatbelt Area...!!

    hi guys... please help, this is driving me insane.. there is a rattle from the seatbelt area, passenger side.. right at my ear level. I can’t seem to locate it, I’ve tried adjusting the belt height, pulling it tight whilst driving, pushing and prodding the plastics on the b post, the seat...
  15. Fish

    Caravelle Single Rear Seats and Kids!

    These are ny current seats in the rear. Can anyone tell me if/ what is legal for my daughter (4) to use while traveling? Or do we still need to use her current car seat? Each seat has the head bumpers (like the left seat). Thanks.
  16. walnuts

    Sold Kombi Rear Seat Belts And Seat Fittings

    I've got a set of Kombi rear seat belts and seat fittings cluttering up the garage. They are complete with all the nuts and bolts etc. I think the tie-downs might be with them too. If anyone is interested let me know and i'll get some photos so you can see what you're getting and we can figure...
  17. Oldrat

    Rattly Seat Belt Height Adjuster

    It’s driving me nuts, it’s the o/s one and beside my ear. It rattles like a good un. Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone got a parts fiche diagram so that I can check that nothing is missing? I’ve taken it apart, and the problem is the ‘slider’ in the metal frame, it just bounces up...
  18. Z

    What Are The Threaded Holes Above Wheel Arches For?

    I've noticed there are two holes with what looks like M8 threads in around the wheel arches on the interior, does anyone know what they're for? I'm planning to have the van carpet lined and not sure whether to cover them up.
  19. Spaghetti

    Seatbelt Mount

    Hi, Could someone please post a picture of their driver’s seatbelt anchor mount please? The end with the splined bolt at the base of the B pillar.... The reason I ask is that mine was mounted so it points up, and the seatbelt has half a turn on it and doesn’t lay flat, so I removed it, and...
  20. Trello

    Seat Wiring

    just about to install some seats from a Porsche 987 into my T6. I have the wiring diagram for the 987 seats with the Seat belt warning having a 400 ohm interface. Does anyone have the wiring diagram for the VW seats or has this been done before? I have VCDS so can probably just turn off the...