Thanks for the info. It sounds like it will do what I need but also sounds a bit overkill and/or expensive. I was hoping for a simple 1-wire out from the siren. Thanks for replying.
I took it bact to the folks who fitted the tracker they fitted a relay and hooked it up to the tracker. It worked when the alarm went off it triggered the tracked but all the warning lights on the dash came on still not there yet unfortunately i got caught up in work so havent had a chance to work at it. Let me know how you get on as i am still keen to make it work@Dav-Tec I'm interested in doing exactly same thing - interfacing original alarm to tracker input. (Tracker needs a 0v or 12v signal in when the alarm is going off). I'd be interested in the relay interface module you mentioned. Have you got in more details please?
Your Lin wire is the Comms line from the van to the siren to tell it when to sound etcI have the option of either positive or negative trigger into the tracker. Just need to work out what the LIN wire does and convert appropriately (I hope).
Sound mate. I'll email the suppliers I'll PM youHi Dav-Tec. That's a pretty neat way to achieve exactly what I need without going near the LIN bus. Simple when you think about it. You're correct, it will save me a load of time, so I'll take one please. I couldn't find it on your website to order so can you let me know how best to order/pay for one please. There's no rush at all; after the New Year will be fine. Thanks.