I just like the Bubbles.
cheers @Ads_Essex@Clydiee will be the man to advise
I wouldn't agree with that, I get much better results with a thicker spray and I've tried a multitude of ratios over the years. It doesn't stick, after a minute or so it's falling off. But it does depend on which product you're using? All "ph neutral" snow foams are so mild they don't shift much.Don't make the foam that thick it just clings to the van and doesnt move (even though it looks cool) My understanding and method is to adjust the foam so it's just watery enough to run off the van dragging and taking some of the dirt off the van with it.
No probs chap, happy to help. I don't have much experience with the AG Polar range unfortunately, but it would seem that is the correct order. So use Blast as directed, when using it as part of your pre-wash procedure. If you want to try the "using snow foam as your shampoo" technique, you could try mixing a little wash with blast to give it a bit more bite?Thanks for the tip @Clydiee great info there. I have bought the autoglym products, polar blast, polar wash and polar seal, to be used in that order I understand?
Would I use all 3 and then wax the van, or would I wash wax?
Or... should I wash after polar blast then use polar wash and polar seal to finish?
Hi just got my self on hereHave a look here.... video too. =)
Snow Foam - How I Did It -
Snow Foam - How I Did It - Its Friday, Its Sunny, Its time to wash the van ! Detailing is one of those catch 22 things for me, i wake up and say - today is the day!!!! I get all the kit out, . . . . get started . . . . . . . .And, Then get board half way through and wish i never started...www.t6forum.com
Thanks for the tip @Clydiee great info there. I have bought the autoglym products, polar blast, polar wash and polar seal, to be used in that order I understand?
Would I use all 3 and then wax the van, or would I wash wax?
Or... should I wash after polar blast then use polar wash and polar seal to finish?
Is your van ceramic coated?Does/has anybody carried out a pre-wash and a snow-foam clean without then going on to a contact wash (essentially becoming a pressure wash only)? As long as the shampoo is pH neutral, I'm guessing this is ok?
With rain and snow on the cards nearly every other day, I don't have the time to progress into a contact wash (i know it doesnt take that long, but work, homeschooling and a 10 month old baby really does eat up any free time!) so i need to wash down any debris that is picked up on weekly use - during a lunch break!! There's no real issue, right?