A Good Snow Foam....

I find it much quicker than normal methods.....a lot quicker in fact. I got this and its great, cover in foam and wipe over with sponge, rinse, job done.
Snow foam is generally a prewash type of thing.

To remove some of the dirt/airbourne dust/sand. From a cool panel (never wash any vehicle in full sun.

Basically removing the grit , so you are not rubbing it in with your wash mitt.

I agree with @Tourershine ... foam on your drive for hours afterwards is pretty pointless.

I only use a pump up type sprayer now with bh autofoam as a prewash . Little foam ,
But works wonders ..

You can clearly see it working by how little grit /sand /dirt/ mud is left in your wash bucket.

On the side of things of not prewashing..,
I dread the thought of blasting a jet wash straight onto a dirty panel!

That cries to me that your basically sandpapering your van with grit .
And marring your paintwork ..

Each to their own , but hope this helps
Don't make the foam that thick it just clings to the van and doesnt move (even though it looks cool) My understanding and method is to adjust the foam so it's just watery enough to run off the van dragging and taking some of the dirt off the van with it.
I wouldn't agree with that, I get much better results with a thicker spray and I've tried a multitude of ratios over the years. It doesn't stick, after a minute or so it's falling off. But it does depend on which product you're using? All "ph neutral" snow foams are so mild they don't shift much.

Problem is people watch detailing videos on youtube, where it's actually a car that's already been coated and when they rinse off the snow foam it looks mint! So people think all they need is a snow foam canon and Bob's your Uncle..... This is not reality, snow foam is just one part of a multi stage pre-wash procedure where the objective is to remove as much (not all) dirt as possible before actually making physical contact with the paintwork.

My tip:
Snow foam used as your designated shampoo is a much better use or people who want to look after their own vehicles, so this means just one bucket (rinse water), foam the car and the snow foam works as a really good lubricant between the paintwork and your wash mitt. So once you have completed your pre-wash stage and washed your wheels etc, foam the car (based on the paintwork is cool and in the shade) and wash with a mitt, not sponge! Make sure to rinse out your mitt after each panel, splitting larger panels such as bonnets and roofs into two areas.
Thanks for the tip @Clydiee great info there. I have bought the autoglym products, polar blast, polar wash and polar seal, to be used in that order I understand?
Would I use all 3 and then wax the van, or would I wash wax?
Or... should I wash after polar blast then use polar wash and polar seal to finish?
Thanks for the tip @Clydiee great info there. I have bought the autoglym products, polar blast, polar wash and polar seal, to be used in that order I understand?
Would I use all 3 and then wax the van, or would I wash wax?
Or... should I wash after polar blast then use polar wash and polar seal to finish?
No probs chap, happy to help. I don't have much experience with the AG Polar range unfortunately, but it would seem that is the correct order. So use Blast as directed, when using it as part of your pre-wash procedure. If you want to try the "using snow foam as your shampoo" technique, you could try mixing a little wash with blast to give it a bit more bite?
Will try this and see how it goes, if there’s a decent day that is. I’ll post results
Many thanks
Have a look here.... video too. =)

Hi just got my self on here
I have a Karcher expert and have the grey form gun bottle and it has just working can any one help please
Have to agree with the above. No expert me though. Bit gimmicky as a pre wash but its bloody good fun. Sense of satisfaction when you get the ratio and air mixture right to make thick foam. But it is good for lubricating the clean when using a wash mit. Like rubbing you van with baby oil. Creamy;):thumbsup:
Had Snow foam for years and do find it next to useless. Bought two bottles abt 10 years back and still got 1 1/2 left. It is the PH neutral stuff and doesn't appear to shift any crap, look good though.
Some detailers use this stuff, Optimum No Rinse, Optimum - No Rinse, it works but I would only use it on lightly dusted car/van and use a tilers sponge which quite a few use, not a sponge that is supplied for washing your car. The tilers grouting sponge does work and are cheap enough from B&Q. Youtubes your friend here on how to use it.
I'm much like Dellmassive, start with good intentions, and soon get bored with it.
Thanks for the tip @Clydiee great info there. I have bought the autoglym products, polar blast, polar wash and polar seal, to be used in that order I understand?
Would I use all 3 and then wax the van, or would I wash wax?
Or... should I wash after polar blast then use polar wash and polar seal to finish?

Hi Kev,

I use the Autoglym stuff and find it works a treat.

The Snowfoam is great at shifting large build ups of dirt and grime, just spray it on, leave for 15 min as per the instructions and then blast off. I use about a 1:5 ratio of product to water.

The Wash I use with a similar ratio to the Snowfoam. Sprey on, wipe down with a mitt rinced regularly in clean water and then wash off.

As for the Protect, tbh there are better products on the market but none are as quick and simple to apply in my experience. What I will say is that there is no point in waxing on top of the Protect. If you are going to wax, you really need to take the whole process seriously and run a clay bar over the paintwork and then gloss (last stage polishing product) before waxing. Otherwise you are just applying wax on top of residual grime and dull paint. The protect is much more suited as a 'top up' type product to be used in between waxing.

I normally do a full clean and wax twice a year (Autumn and Spring) and then use Protect or similar product once a month between this.

Hope this helps.

Being on older member ....the fact you can now get a really good domestic jet washer .( remember the washmatic ).and have hours of fun blasting allsorts...so having tried recently foam,,it’s very quick and easy...but still leaves a film and I takes ages to wash away
So now just jet wash and use warm BH (With corrosion inhabitants) and towel dry... that’s between polish and wax sessions ( lucky the van lives under a carport)....... you should have tried keeping cars clean when we had coal fires and acid rain
Does/has anybody carried out a pre-wash and a snow-foam clean without then going on to a contact wash (essentially becoming a pressure wash only)? As long as the shampoo is pH neutral, I'm guessing this is ok?
With rain and snow on the cards nearly every other day, I don't have the time to progress into a contact wash (i know it doesnt take that long, but work, homeschooling and a 10 month old baby really does eat up any free time!) so i need to wash down any debris that is picked up on weekly use - during a lunch break!! There's no real issue, right?
Does/has anybody carried out a pre-wash and a snow-foam clean without then going on to a contact wash (essentially becoming a pressure wash only)? As long as the shampoo is pH neutral, I'm guessing this is ok?
With rain and snow on the cards nearly every other day, I don't have the time to progress into a contact wash (i know it doesnt take that long, but work, homeschooling and a 10 month old baby really does eat up any free time!) so i need to wash down any debris that is picked up on weekly use - during a lunch break!! There's no real issue, right?
Is your van ceramic coated?
Bilt Hamber Snowfoam has the best non contact cleaning power I have found but has a lower foaming characteristic. Autobrite Direct snow foams are my next favourites and their Very Cherry wheel cleaner is an excellent non contact choice. As with all snow foams use a proper snow foam cannon rather than the pressure washer detergent bottle. Warm water mix for best results too. All the above are wax/ceramic safe.
If not ceramic coated then try a pH neutral RTF, a fallout remover, snowfoam (Bilt Hamber & Carbon Collective Ultimus are good at lifting dirt). Then a good rinse. It might be good to look at some hydrophobic liquid detailing spray to help going forward
Also Bilt Hamber have just launched a 'touchless' product you could look into