A plan insurance


Evening all - Bit of a vague question but I've insured my T6 2016 with A plan today, is £505 expensive? I'm 39 with 8 years no claims. Never had an accident etc...
depends on a million variables . . .

your location, the value of the van, your history, your NCB, estimated miles per year, other named drivers etc etc etc.
They also take into account value of the van and annual mileage.
In my experience, annual mileage greatly influences premiums - at least for a camper it does. Insurers also don't like roadside parking, even if you don't live in a high-risk area.
Mine was £440 with only 1 yr NCD, aged 59, value £45K with A plan, inner town (Reading) location. Only shocker was the XS, minimum £350. Thought the premium was quite reasonable, given the price of my Volvo was raised 50% this year and the XS sneakily raised from £150 to £500 (luckily I noticed on the renewal docs but they didn't specifically warn me) despite 26 yrs NCB. Still couldn't get the price of the Volvo below £650 this year.
With A-plan/Howdens, I also added legal cover and XS protection so it took it to around £500. It's insured with KGM, which I've been with for my kit car since 2008 and they've never raised it from its initial premium (in fact it's down about 40% with the same terms).
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Isn't A-Plan now Howdens? I've been with A-Plan the past few years. Are Howdens still offering decent van insurance?
Isn't A-Plan now Howdens? I've been with A-Plan the past few years. Are Howdens still offering decent van insurance?
We’re still with Aplan/Howdens & recently insured our second vehicle with them. They were competitive.
Mine went from £440 to £475.
Modded 204 DSG and I’m 47 with max NCD and clean licence, no accidents, parked on drive in low risk area of Milton Keynes.
Didn’t think that was too bad, wife’s Q3 is £350