So. I’ve did drain it, left it for a couple of hundred miles. Topped up with about 8litres, left for 30 seconds, took it for a little drive and still the same.
It’s gonna go to a garage and see what’s up.
If it doesn’t pan out, is it worth doing a ad blue delete, thoughts
Not a T6 but I had AdBlue deleted from my 2014 Audi Q5 after it had a persistent warning message on the MFD. My Audi main dealer couldn't identify the exact issue and gave me a number of potential solutions with no promises on any of them but there was a promise that the bills would escalate as they worked through them! In the end I chose deletion by a guy who specialises in it - I've done about 1200 miles since without any issues and it's passed the MOT since as well. The guy in question is based in the outskirts of Gloucester (Staverton) and I know he has done quite a few T6s for at least one firm that runs a fleet of them - just off the M5 so not a million miles from you. PM me if you eat his name and number.
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