Adblue tank change due to sensor


Hi, I’ve got the dash warning up with the adblue DEF 650 miles till no start, there is plenty of adblue in as I only topped it up about 6 weeks ago, I’ve been for a run at high revs with a DPF cleaner and diesel cleaner in and it is still on, it’s obviously worrying as it is counting down the whole time, I’ve been onto my local VW and it’s end of month until they can get it onto a diagnostic machine so I phoned an alternative specialist up and he said on the phone right away that it would need a new adblue tank as it would be the sensor but at £2k this seems a bit extreme, he said it is a very low chance that it could be bad adblue and can try draining the tank and doing a hard reset, has anyone had this issue?
Some have certainly had the issue of the AdBlue range not updating after filling the AdBlue tank. How far have you driven since refilling (it can take a couple of hundred miles of driving before the new amount registers) and is there any chance you've overfilled the AdBlue tank (which can cause the sensor to misread the level)?
Some have certainly had the issue of the AdBlue range not updating after filling the AdBlue tank. How far have you driven since refilling (it can take a couple of hundred miles of driving before the new amount registers) and is there any chance you've overfilled the AdBlue tank (which can cause the sensor to misread the level)?
No it’s been a few weeks and wasn’t overfilled, went on a 150mile motorway journey and van was parked up for 11 days while was away and the warning came on about half an hour on way home and has stayed on since
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Wow £2k just by phone without actually checking van… you could actually try scan with vcds to see any errors someone might be local from forum who able to do for you or do as me and buy your own. I got my own issue with adblue and trying find why dash showing 600mil when ECU see its not.
Yeah I won’t be paying anywhere near that, I’d just get one and change it myself, I’m thinking more now just to get it deleted, only problem I’ve had with the van since I got it 5 years ago has been with the adblue system, rather be without it now I think