Alternator linbus wire fault


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Quick question for those who've dealt with this issue, as I haven't been able to find an answer via search.

I'm almost certain I have this fault based on the van's symptoms.

So I had a look at the loom by the sump today. However the green/yellow cable looked healthy. I decided to replace it anyway since I'd already stripped it. I took out as much as I could easily get to (about 25cm). However the continuity of the bit I've removed was fine so I'm not expecting replacing it to make a difference.

Is there anywhere else easy to access that this cable commonly fails? I don't fancy trying to remove the whole length.
More info here...

Thanks. I've had a good look through that thread already. It only mentions the bit under the sump which I've already changed. I was hoping there might be another common weak spot.