Annual T6f Pilgrimage To Bala Lake 24th - 27th May 2019

Well back home now with me girls.
Been an awesome weekend with great friendly T6F members. I would like to thank each and everyone of you that came to stay or even just a few hours visit..

We as a group have some great people amoungst us that are willing to help and advise complete strangers on their investments.

Would highly recommend coming to our meets even if its to try/look at or even ask about expensive potential purchases etc.. come and look at how members have their vans set up for their individual needs and activities.

Anyway, thanks to all.. same time next year with the 20van barrier broken.. :thumbsup:

My first weekend/overnight meet and I second these sentiments 100%.

Thanks everyone who went. See you plus others at next year's weekend.
Home now, unpacked and awning drying out in the garden.
Had a fantastic weekend and was really good to catch up with old friends and meet new members. Camp fire were brilliant and haven't laughed soo much in a long time.
Thanks to everyone for making it such a brilliant weekend.
See you all again soon.
Gary & Pippa. :thumbsup:

I took fire pit home Sir, many thanks
We made sure everywhere spotless too
But when you order another hes under strict instructions i pay for it for you !
Great photos Mark.
Guess which fire was mine.
Bank farm in Gower awesome views over coastline .nice club house and pool for kids. Aswell. We go alot in our kontiki Fiat..... Butt love my t6 kombi more lol.....