Another H4 question....


Senior Member
T6 Guru
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but travelling into work this morning I did a quick trial of holding in main beam stalk for a few seconds on a particularly dark stretch of road I travel on. The light output when both filaments of the bulb are illuminated actually gave quite an impressive light spread compared to normal full beam (granted I am using Philips +130% bulbs).
Now, my slightly unusual even potentially daft question is this- has anyone managed to code VCDS to allow both filaments to illuminate when main beam is selected? Will the bulbs go into meltdown after 30 seconds? is anyone with VCDS prepared to trial if possible? Is this the daftest question of all time?
Answers on a postcard.......
I've used VCDS to allow both filaments to remain lit when using full beam. However I had upgraded to the H7's.
The heat build up with both filaments lit in a H4 probably isn't going to end well.
That would be my expectation too, but you never know until you try! Would maybe trial it with standard bulbs rather than hotter running uprated ones to see how long they last.
Just for shits and giggles I'm going to connect a 12v power supply to both terminals of a H4 bulb and see how long it lasts.

Will it last-

A. Less than a minute

B. More than a minute but less than 10 minutes.

C. More than 10 minutes but less than an hour.

D. More than an hour (only option that makes it worthwhile tbh.)

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Its not the bulb its the headlights, too much heat build up inside will melt/damage the lense
There will be loads for sale soon as transporter HQ units are starting to be dispatched. Try it anyway :thumbsup: