I have an issue with some of this.
1. That cost is high. I had an 8.2kw battery and Solar edge fitted to my existing 3.2kw array for £5.5k. Panels would have been a further £4k.
2. The DNO will have an issue with a 6.2kw array and you’d need a special certificate for it which takes the provision time out to 6-9 months.. I think 4kw is the max if export is involved for safety reasons on a normal certificate which they may just do over the phone and email. 6kw they’ll be no chance.
3. My payback on the battery alone has dropped from 5 to 3.5 years. 89% of my leccy bill is off peak charging the battery and the car. My most expensive monthly electric bill since I had my battery fitted Nov 21 has been £57 and I have an EV averaging 600-700 miles pm.
3. 6.6kWh is crap especially when connected to a 6.4kw array. Why would he try to sell you that? the solar would fill the batteries in a couple of hours and the rest will go to the grid in May/June/July. 2 batteries in that setup is very inefficient in terms of costs and losses. An 8.2kwh GivEnergy with an AC couple 3kw inverter was between £3200 - £3700 with installation costs on top. Mine came in at £3999.
4. If you are looking at a SEG payment (replaced FITS) then you’ll need a smart meter. That’ll also decrease the payback time.
There are a couple of great sites on FB on this and there are a lot of answers there.
I had 6 quotes and I realised as they came in what a bunch of rip off artists there in this business. There was a disparity of £5k between the top and bottom quotes. Then I spoke to the guy with the lowest quote and the stuff that was missing was legendary. Scaffolding £450, DNO Cert £100 it just went on.
I’d contact
Experienced and Professional Electrical and Renewable Energy Contractors ask for Darren Ball. A straight talking very honest guy who stopped me spending fortune with him and gave me a sensible alternative to what i wanted. Use my name I may get a backhander