Anyone from carlisle with a shuttle I could come and view


New Member
Hello all just wondering if there's anyone on the forum that lives in Carlisel Cumbria and owns a shuttle. As I'm on the hunt for one I'm finding it hard to go view any because there hundreds of miles away. Swb or lwb is fine if there's anyone nearby cheers Lee.
If you're asking if someone has one so you can see what they are like before travelling to see one to buy that's fine.

If you're asking if someone has one to sell you then you'll need to take out VIP Membership and we can move your thread to the For Sale/Wanted forum :thumbsup:

It was just to see what there like beforei go find one to buy. Sorry if this looked and soundedlike a wanted topic. Just finding it hard travelling 100 or miles to see one with kids in car waiting and other things is a pain. Cheers again
It was just to see what there like beforei go find one to buy. Sorry if this looked and soundedlike a wanted topic. Just finding it hard travelling 100 or miles to see one with kids in car waiting and other things is a pain. Cheers again
Updated the title to make your intentions clearer. :thumbsup: