Anyone tempted by one of these?

Not sure why anybody would need to be triggered by the prospect of electric cars when the alternative ultimately may well be less or no cars.
The bollox spouted about worthless lithium car batteries going into landfill when there's already a recycling industry for something as comparatively worthless as dead lead acid batteries and the reality of a 15 year old Prius on it's original suitcase sized boot mounted lithium battery still being used as a taxi.
It's worth looking on eBay at electric cat S and N damaged salvage cars to realise that EVs are a thing and being treated no differently than their oil burning equivalent in the real world.
I looked a couple of days back and apart from Tesla's paranoid post sale control of software and replacement parts to third party repairers there were three model 3s, one a long range model too, all below £12,000.
Who is it that you believe has been "triggered" Frosty?

Maybe I stand alone (it has been known), but I find the word "triggered" problematic, given it's a pejorative euphemism for "had the temerity to disagree with the prescribed viewpoint".
Had to go back and see what I had actually posted but luckily I had put down "anybody" which was what I had meant. :unsure:
Okay, so no-one who's posted on the thread :thumbsup: (because, of course, we hardly ever reach unanimity on the forum, so there is no "prescribed viewpoint" about anything ;)).
You'd think that because of the anti EV nonsense on YouTube and the online supposedly "news" agencies.
Rather than watch some conspiracy theory video by that knobber Geoff buys cars about the fire at Luton Airport being started by an EV rather than a diesel Range Rover Sport watch some idiot trying to drive his Tesla through Rufford Ford and bogging but not bursting into flames or exploding.

Clearly the subject has "triggered" you!
Good luck getting insurance on a Cat S damaged EV.
You'll get insurance on a cat S or N EV when it's repaired and MOT'd, it will never fetch the same resale money as a non recorded car but just like a petrol or diesel vehicle it can be returned to the road the same as an accident repaired vehicle that was deemed within economical repair.