Banging Fuel Tank to start


New Member
Evening, been having trouble starting my 2017 T6, just happens occasionally. Had RAC come out, they showed me that fuel wasn’t gettting into the engine and suggested the fuel lift pump wasn’t working. Had it replaced by a local VW specialist. Worked ok intially, then started having trouble again occasionally. The RAC man showed me before that banging the tank can help get fuel into the engine. I do this everytime it doesn’t start and it works. I’ve taken it back to the garage and they are scratching their head a bit, they’re going to take the fuel tank out again and check there’s no issues with the wiring. Not sure if that will be the issue as i wouldn’t expect banging the tank to work so well if it was. Any ideas please?
This is purely a possible thought. Is the fault nothing to do with the actual pump but an intermittent/poor electrical connection? It sounds as though the garage is thinking along the same lines.