Yes, but it only happened once very briefly. What would red battery light while driving indicate?The above would be my primary concern.
Yes, but it only happened once very briefly. What would red battery light while driving indicate?The above would be my primary concern.
It would indicate the alternator doesn't work - that is, doesn't charge the battery.Yes, but it only happened once very briefly. What would red battery light while driving indicate?
I will need to get that checked.It would indicate the alternator doesn't work - that is, doesn't charge the battery.
Have you checked engine's ground strap? What's the charging voltage at battery, engine running, all possible loads switched on.
Without having hands-on difficult to say. Certainly worth cleaning and checking the cable.The studs and nuts are very rusty. Is the corrosion issue with the actual earth cable itself or is it the fact the suds and nuts are corroded an issue?
Any fault codes?Regarding testing for voltages, I have friend that does diagnostics and offered to help me out. I have no doubt he will know what he is doing but is it possible someone could bullet point exactly the tests they wuold do to check the battery and the alternator - maybe transporter specific?
Though if it's the aux belt that might also explain the battery if the alternator is under charging?Doubt its related. Check your aux belt.
So a new battery fitted today, van started temp rose to 90 and settled, 6 faults on carista, cleared them then left van to idle.
5 minutes later the fan came on, I checked the dash and oil temp back up to 130. (I think that is a false reading)
However I am not willing to drive the van with any doubt in my mind so its off to get checked by the professionals.
The following fault had came back .