Best 12v or portable tyre inflator?

I'd get one that runs off the van's 12volt system, no point having an inflator if the power tool battery has gone flat because you haven't touched it for months. Just my take on it.
Have just noticed that the DeWalt pump also has a 12v cable adapter so could be used without the battery pack. If I can buy it at Forum discount price, it might be an option.
Have just noticed that the DeWalt pump also has a 12v cable adapter so could be used without the battery pack. If I can buy it at Forum discount price, it might be an option.
The Dewalt 18v portable Fan is a great little thing to have in the summer whilst you’re there mate :whistle:
Regardless of which unit you end up with the best thing you can buy is a quick release adapter for the end, makes it so quick and easy to attach and release the hose and also stop air leaking out while undoing it !

Something like this, for what they cost it’s a no brainer
I agree absolutely with what you are saying. Their seems to be a fashion with pumps adopting screw on chucks. A nuisance putting them on and an even bigger curse unscrewing them, particularly with cold wet hands. Often pressure is lost and time is wasted reconnected to regain pressure after we can hear it hissing away.

One thing though I have noticed that some called accurate gages often do not agree with another so called accurate gage and even occasionally 2 accurate gages do not agree even when coming from the same manufacturer and are exactly the same model.
I’ve got one of these for my vans and my plant…..seems very capable. :cool:

I do have something very similar to that model, can not quite remember what manufacturer bought from an Off-Road outlet. The analogue gage is way off on mine and I continually had to disconnect and take separate readings so I eventually replaced it with something else. I check pressures frequently but also due to my circumstances have to air right down spending on which way I need to enter or leave our property. One way is literally across fields with no trackway over part of its length. It is necessary then to have a fast pump with decent gage to air up 4 tyres other wise it takes an age.

Perhaps having air suspension might be a good idea, fast pumping for frequent use. Fast heavy duty pumps however do need a good amount of Amps to drive them, too much for a cigarette plug so I always connect direct to the vehicle battery, well positive + terminal and ground -, on the engine somewhere like the engine hoist ring.
I do have something very similar to that model, can not quite remember what manufacturer bought from an Off-Road outlet. The analogue gage is way off on mine and I continually had to disconnect and take separate readings so I eventually replaced it with something else. I check pressures frequently but also due to my circumstances have to air right down spending on which way I need to enter or leave our property. One way is literally across fields with no trackway over part of its length. It is necessary then to have a fast pump with decent gage to air up 4 tyres other wise it takes an age.

Perhaps having air suspension might be a good idea, fast pumping for frequent use. Fast heavy duty pumps however do need a good amount of Amps to drive them, too much for a cigarette plug so I always connect direct to the vehicle battery, well positive + terminal and ground -, on the engine somewhere like the engine hoist ring.
Yeah I wouldn’t say mine is particularly quick but it gets there in the end. My gauge seems fairly accurate according to the tpms readouts on the display which I’m thinking is more accurate. I don’t think I go a week without the tyre pressures fluctuating and the tpms telling me I have a low pressure. It seems very sensitive to the weather temps! :cry:
My Off - Road Pump Is a Britpart Heavy Duty Double Pump with detachable coiled air line and standard thumb lever operated chuck and analogue gage
Max 45 amps
Working 35amps
Max Pressure 150psi
max Duty Cycle 30minuts at 22C @ 45psi
Max Air flow 150 L/min

Works quite well but I do not like the gage at all so have to disconnect to take pressure a bit of a pain!

so now I tend to use this quite speedy auto stop easy to set a bit slow at deflation but OK main problem screw on air line to tyre valve hiss

80 psi max

I have several pressure gages these appear to agree with each other and are quite good to use but could do with a rapid deflator tip

For me tyre deflation is important and I do have 4 screw on tyre deflaters can not remember what I set then too but 10psi I think Ido go lower these do speed up the process because by the time I have finished screwing them all on it is almost time to unscrew them sequentially. A fit of a faff to fiddle with and mine are not the best available I may buy a new set but quite expensive I recall.

I use the for maximum traction and to minimise ground pressure damage to very wet grass because it belongs to a neighbour and I prefer to do minimum damage even though Ii have full legal ROW. A decent tyre pressure gage with a large bobble would be a good tool for one offs. :)