Busfest 22 --- 9th to 11th September 2022 ---

Busfest 22 --- 9th to 11th September 2022 ---
Posted by Dellmassive
Three Counties Showground Welland, Malvern WR13 6SP
Friday, 9 September, 2022 - 09:00
Until: Sunday, 11 September, 2022 - 18:00
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Club camping has officially closed two days ago but i just checked and you can still book

If anyone wants to join the club camping area at busfest then you need to book now !!!
just looked 21/2 hrs from me not bad tbh
been to ford fair plenty of times now that is a treck lol
can you pay on the door so to speak
what are 'Advance Day Visitor' tickets'? I can't find where to pay for one online?
I want to rock up on Saturday and pay to enter just for the day.
buss fest.jpg
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what are 'Advance Day Visitor' tickets'? I can't find where to pay for one online?
I want to rock up on Saturday and pay to enter just for the day.
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Will be available from AUGUST 1st. when we open for ADVANCE BOOKINGS

Please note we are not admitting Day Visitors on Friday (09th Septemeber)

Follow the AA signage to the SOUTH CAR PARKS & enter the site via the SOUTH PEDESTRIAN GATEGATE OPENING TIMES

  • SATURDAY 09.00
  • SUNDAY 09.00
PLEASE NOTE; Some Gates may/will be Closed earlier in the evenings.(YELLOW GATE open until 24.00Hrs, BROWN GATE CLOSES @ 20.00Hrs)


  • To be sure of getting the full trade area your are advised to attend the event on the Saturday or Sunday.
  • The FULL event programme begins on the Saturday.
  • Your Saturday Day Visitors Ticket also entitles you to attend our FREE evening entertainment (up until Midnight Saturday ). So you might want to check out the Entertainment programme before deciding which day to come.
  • Entertainment page HERE
K Klass, spot on, I really liked the "rock the 90s" band that did all the mid 90s house covers at the 2019 Friday night, that tent was rammed!

here you go Andy, not sure if there are tickets available and I'm sure someone can advise on the code to use for the forum parking

Booking code for our club camping area is t6dubs
Theres still a few slots left and i was told club camping booking was shutting a couple weeks ago so dont wait to long !
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Just heard from Busfest again and they have very kindly left our club camping open as we still have the last few of our 50 slots still available

Anyone considering it nows the time as all bookings are just about to close as general camping is very nearly sold out !

Booking code for our club camping area is t6dubs
had to double check then . . . yes, we have tickets.

we have tickets in Club section.


placed on January 15, 2022 and is currently Processing.

