Busfest 24 - (6th - 8th Sept 2024)

Busfest 24 - (6th - 8th Sept 2024)
Posted by Dellmassive
Three Counties Showground Welland, Malvern WR13 6SP
Friday, 6 September, 2024 - 12:00
Until: Sunday, 8 September, 2024 - 13:00
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
I know it will only be me as I’m such a pleb but the bloody code will not work for me.
Even though I typed T at the beginning it keeps putting a t instead
Someone shoot me please and put me out of my misery!!!
My mates had trouble a few weeks back, pretty sure it was showing as full, they tried again the following day and it worked ok.
TFFT just ignored it and filled the rest of the info in and hay presto.
So glad I’m not in IT
I would be skint
Please add me to the list
Right to the fridge it’s beer time!!!
I'm confused now. Where do you enter the password? Is the club camping blue zone?
I had loads of trouble with it but like I said I’m a pleb with this stuff!
I was on the IPad so might be different but I had 3 points where I could input the code the last one worked which was right at the end of the check out after payment details
If that’s any help Ha Ha coming from me
All done booked again for this yr.
Also most probably 2 others if they could b added please.
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