Yes me too ??thought the idea was to be on show with 20+ vans?
thought the idea was to be on show with 20+ vans?
Yes me too ??
Ah I seeCorrect but being a licenced car/cafè then some of us have discussed staying overnight have having a few beers after the meet(Feb) and display(July)..
Driving to C&M then back to a campsite.
I'll be there. Probably travelling up that morning as my van isn't set up for camping (yet) and a tent is far too cold this time of year!
@T6Paul I'll be joining M5 at Junction 23 so could meet you on the way past Bristol?
Either works for me.Sounds a plan, either Almondsbury (near Aztec West) or Gloucester services (the nice one with the farm shop!) could work?
Anyone going with unlimited vcds and wants to earn some beer tokens?
rear speaker fade, auto lock of doors at 5mph, dial sweep (if doable on a lowly startline) and anything else worth a tick in the box
I can do that for you, as long as your van is MY2018 or underAnyone going with unlimited vcds and wants to earn some beer tokens?
rear speaker fade, auto lock of doors at 5mph, dial sweep (if doable on a lowly startline) and anything else worth a tick in the box