Carplay crackle


Domestic appliance engineer
T6 Guru
Has anyone had any luck getting the carplay intermittent crackle fixed on a 6.1 composition colour yet?? Mines in for a service in a week or so and wondered if there’s any point in asking them to look at it again.
I fixed mine by doing a full reset. It’s a bit of a pain but has been good since.
Here's exactly what I did.

- Disconnect the USB cable from the van. Turn the ignition off completely.

- Turn the key back on to power the van.

- Change the Privacy settings on your Head-Unit to the least secure.

- Do a full factory-reset of the head unit. Read the alerts as it sometimes says it hasn't done it properly. It took me 2 attempts.

- Reconnect to the VW WeConnect App on your phone; this needs your VIN number and connects to your van directly from VW.
I fixed mine by doing a full reset. It’s a bit of a pain but has been good since.
I'd been suffering with this for a few months now. Having fitted aftermarket speakers VW won't even investigate the issue in my case but as we all know it's a known issue with their head units. Following the reset steps above does appear to fix it temporarily and I can't say I've had it for a few weeks now. Frustrating, but it does offer a fix for now. Let's hope there's an update to either CarPlay or the VW units to solve it in the future permanently.
I asked again when my van went in for a service a couple of weeks ago and still no cure but they gave me a vw cable to try so I’ve done another reset and I will keep you all posted!
Sadly the crackle has returned! The vw cable has made no difference whatsoever.
Did anyone ever get a fix to this? I’ve tried different phones and the reset. The crackle goes away for a while but then comes back. I’ve noticed it also makes my Google maps freeze, which is not ideal when I’m trying to find places.

My short time solution is to use the phone for Google maps (on a wireless charger fixed to the dash) and connect the Bluetooth to the head unit.
Not that I know of unfortunately. Looking on line it seems that it’s not just a problem with vw so may actually be something that apple has to sort. I will ask again when the van is in for a service in a couple of weeks but don’t hold out much hope. I’ve also just downloaded iOS 18 so have a faint hope that may fix it!!
I had the T6.1 in at VW Commercial in Glasgow today. After a long wordy complaint to VW Customer Services they agreed to update the software on mine from its ‘0740’ to ‘0743’. It worked with no crackle for the 40mins I’ve been in the van today so far so fingers crossed. Will report back.
Don’t know about that- it’s a 2021 t6.1 with the original composition colour